Omron ETHERNET DIRECT DR 170 14 User Manual
Page 36

Klinkmann Automation Omron Ethernet DAServer
Omron Ethernet DAServer Ver 1.x User Manual Rev 1.4 17014m14
The Omron Ethernet DAServer is hot-configurable. The following hot-configuration
functionality is incorporated in Omron Ethernet DAServer:
• Modifying Global Configuration parameters.
• Adding, deleting, or modifying device nodes (without affecting any other device nodes,
excluding the children of the modified device nodes).
• Adding, deleting, or modifying device groups.
Limited support is provided for the hot configuration for the server-specific configuration
parameters in this release. You can modify server-specific parameters while the server is
active. However, to have those changes take effect, you have to restart the DAServer.
Note: If changes are made to server-specific parameters while the server is active, the
DAServer will issue a warning message to the logger.