Getting started – Ocean Kayak TORQUE User Manual

Page 2

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Table of ConTenTs

General and Motor Safety Guidelines 2
Getting Started 3
Battery Information 4
Maximizer/Depth Finder Interference 4
Maintenance and Propeller Replacement 5
Replacement Parts 6
Troubleshooting 6
Frequently Asked Questions 7-8
Warranty Information 8

General safeTy Guidelines

• Paddler assumes risk to self and others.
• Always seek instruction from a dealer or kayak instructor prior to using

this craft. Know your limitations and abilities.

• Use good judgement regarding water and wind conditions. Follow

recommended safety precautions.

• Check your equipment prior to use and always make sure you have safety

equipment on board (including a spare paddle).

• Never consume alcohol or drugs prior to or during use.
• Children should only use this kayak under active adult supervision.
• Always have a U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation device (PFD)

while on board. Children must always wear a PFD.

• Do not exceed the recommended capacity of this kayak: 350-400 lbs

[158.8-181.4 kg].

MoTor safeTy Guidelines

• WarninG: avoid running the motor aground. This could cause

damage to motor and/or propeller.

• Always have motor cut-off (kill switch) bungee attached to operator.
• When not in use, leave motor cut-off in place to prevent battery drainage.
• Rinse exterior of boat and motor after use in salt water.
• The motor features a sacrificial zinc anode to fight galvanic corrosion. The

replaceable anode is conveniently mounted on the prop hub and provides
for better protection and longer motor life. Replace anode if it is more than
50% consumed.

• Avoid contact with propeller when under power.
• Do not exit the kayak when in use or use in the vicinity of swimmers.
• Avoid use in shallow water as propeller or motor damage can occur.



sTeP 1:

Make sure speed control dial is

in the off position before inserting battery
or motor.

sTeP 2:

Place battery into battery box.

Connect red wire to positive terminal and
black wire to negative terminal.

sTeP 3:

With kayak in the water so the

propeller does not run aground, put the
motor into tankwell (fig. 1), strap it down
and plug it in (fig. 2).

sTeP 4:

Put rudder down and adjust

foot pedals to your leg length.

sTeP 5

: Make sure you have a paddle

placed in the back-up paddle storage
bungee located on both sides of the
tankwell and an approved personal
flotation device (PFD).

sTeP 6:

You are now ready to go.

Clip kill switch to your PFD. Use dial
to go forward or reverse and find your
perfect speed for trolling. (fig. 3)

sKeG PluG:

The motor can be

swapped out with the skeg plug for
paddling without the motor. (fig. 4-5)

fig. 1

fig. 2

fig. 3

GeTTinG sTarTed

fig. 4-5