Using the tbdac – Oakley 3031 User Manual
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The following advice is only for those who know how to wire mains rated equipment safely. If
you do not know how to do this then make no attempt to do so. I do not endorse this method
of powering any Oakley equipment. It is up to you to use your PCB wisely. I take absolutely
no responsibility for your actions with this board. I will offer no further advice than what you
see below in italics:
Transformer rating: Secondaries: 12-0-12 @ 250mA or 12-0, 12-0 @ 6VA total
Connect common, or centre tap of, secondaries to AC2. Secondary winding end wires go to
AC1 and AC3 respectively.
Line fuse: T250mA
The metal case MUST be earthed to safety earth via a suitably low resistance bonding strap
or wire.
It is advisable also to connect this safety earth to a spare GND pad on the 3031, or pin 2 on
the tbDAC’s M-THRU header. This can be done via a wire link or a 1K resistor.
Using the tbDAC
The tbDAC is a midi-CV convertor that was especially designed to interface with the TB3030.
The new 3031 is even more suited to this interface thanks to clearer legending and simpler
tuning set up.
You’ll need to first build the tbDAC as detailed in its own User Guide. There will be
references in the tbDAC User Guide that will refer to the TB3030 and the 3031. The TB3030
is subtlety different to the 3031 in its output and input connections. Thus references to the
input and output pads of the TB3030 in the tbDAC User Guide are not applicable to the 3031.
For the 3031, all your interconnection information is given below.
Fit the tbDAC board in side the same box as your 3031. In my prototype I fitted the tbDAC
card on left hand side of the enclosure, just above the 3031 PCB. This gives space for the
mains transformer, if you are fitting one, on the right hand side at the back of the case.
With insulated hook up wire connect the following pads on the tbDAC to the appropriate pads
on the 3031 PCB.
+12V (PIN1 PWR)
-12V (PIN4 PWR)