Omega Vehicle Security LVR2 Series User Manual

Lvr2 series continuous level sensors

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Sensing Length = __________ inches
Resolution = 1Inch
_____ Output: 4 to 20 mA, 2 wire Red(+) Black(-)

____ Output: 1 to 5 VDC, 3 wire

Output: 4 mA with float at bottom

Red(+) Black(-) White (output)

Output: 20 mA with float at top

Output: 1 V with float at bottom

_____ Output: Resistive, 220

per 1 Inch of indication

Output: 5 V with float at top

_____ Output Resistive, Non Linear per application
Temperature range: -40˚C to 85˚C, -40˚C to 105˚C with Resistive Output
Mounting: ___________________________

LVR2 Series
Continuous Level Sensors

LVR2 Series

1. The pressure, temperature and electrical limitations

shown for the specified level sensor must not be exceeded.

2. The pressures and temperatures must take into

consideration possible surges in the temperature
and pressure of the system.

3. The liquids used must be compatible with the materials

of construction. Specifications of materials will be given
upon request.

4. Life expectancy of the sensor varies with applications.
5. Ambient temperature changes can affect sensor set points,

since specific gravities of liquids vary with temperature.
Consult factory for assistance.

6. Level sensors have been designed to be shock and

vibration resistant. For maximum life, both should be
minimized. Consult factory for assistance.

7. Excessive contaminants in fluid may inhibit float operation

and occasional wipe down may be necessary.

8. Physical damage to product may render product unserviceable.
9. Installation in a vessel made from magnetic materials may

affect operation.

General Information
1. Continuous Level Sensors

should be installed rigidly
so the float is free to move
as the liquid level changes.

2. Continuous Level Sensors

should be mounted in a tank
area free of severe turbulence
or protected from such
turbulence by appropriate and
adequate slosh shields.

3. Continuous Level Sensors

stems should be vertical for
best results, but satisfactory
operation is possible in most
liquids with the stem at up to a
30˚ angle from vertical.

4. Care should be taken that

Continuous Level Sensors are
always operated within
electrical ratings.