Oregon Ferrari Laptop User Manual

Page 21

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(38) Composer

Select the instrument by pressing the letters. Use the number keys corresponding to
the notes on the screen to play your melody. Press

to start the recording, press

it again to stop the recording. When you press

, playback begins, press it again

to pause the playback. To record a new track, press

key again after playback.

(P= Piano, G= Guitar, B= Brass, O= Organ).

(39) Ear Tuner

Test yourself on your musical ability! Listen carefully to the notes. Use the arrow
keys and press

to answer.

Keyboard Skills

(40) Stunt Rider

A row of letters that scroll across the bottom of the screen. Type the letters to move
your motorcycle across the screen. Try to beat the letters to the finishing line.

(41) Gear Shifter

Type the letters and symbols that scroll across the top of the screen. Use the Shift
key and a number key to type a symbol. If you get them all right, the runner will
jump over the hurdles.

(42) Convoy

Vocabulary winds its way across the screen. Type the letters to make them
disappear before they reach the other side of the screen.

FL78-Manual (Us) 11/22/05 9:29 Page 21