Omega Vehicle Security OM-420 User Manual
Omega Vehicle Security Tools

USING THE RPS-1in the OM-420
Omega Engineering Inc.
Stamford, CT
The RPS-1 is a self-contained battery power source for use in conjunction with the OM-320/420 System
Base to power transducers requiring external power (e.g. Strain Gages, Pressure transducers, 4 to 20ma
Loop Transmitters, etc.) over a voltage range from 3.5 to 22 VDC.
The RPS-1 contains two User-configurable, rechargeable gel-cell type batteries and integral recharging
circuitry. The charging circuitry will accept AC or DC current from Photovoltaic arrays, wind generators,
utility sourced transformers/plug-in power supplies, or other current sources. The sealed batteries are
capable of operating in any orientation and over a temperature range of -10 to 60C. A slide switch allows
the User to configure the RPS-1 for 12 or 24VDC operation.
Two User-programmable Power Supply outputs are available which can source 7 different regulated
voltage levels from 3.5VDC to 22VDC. Outputs are short circuit / over-current protected.
The two Power Supplies can be independently programmed for output voltage as well as type of
operational mode. Two modes are available, Continuous ON or AUTOMATIC Operation. In AUTOMATIC
Operation, the power supply is under control of an optically isolated low voltage (5VDC, 0.5mA) control
input signal. This control INPUT interfaces directly to a OM-320/420 Digital Output line which can be
programmed to cycle the RPS-1 power supplies ON and OFF, providing transducer excitation under OM-
320/420 control during a logging session. This automatic power supply cycling technique maximizes RPS-
1 battery life. See Figure 1 for a sample Hypernet
Figure 1: RPS-1 Control Using HyperWare Warm-Up