Optibase MGW 2400 WMT User Manual

Page 137

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Appendix D

• Glossary of Terms

applications, buffers store video or audio data until there is
enough information for the stream to be composed.

Bus Topology A LAN network in which all nodes connect to
the same cable. Data transmit across this one cable.

CBR – Refers to Constant Bit-Rate and stands for the bit-rate of
a data stream remaining constant during compression
throughout the entire encoding process. This parameter may
also be referred to as Fixed Bit-Rate.

CCIR-601 – A standard (now known as ITU-R 601) that
defines the encoding parameters of digital television for studios.
ITU-R 601 refers to color difference (Y,R-Y, B-Y) and RGB
video. It defines sampling systems, RGB/Y, R-Y and B-Y
matrix values and filter characteristics. ITU-R 601 usually
refers to color difference component digital video (as opposed
to RGB) for which it defines 4:2:2 sampling at 13.5 MHz with
720 luminance samples per active line and 8 or 10-bit

Clip A segment of a video or an entire video being considered
one unit based on content.

Coaxial Cable – Cable consisting of a

central copper wire

being surrounded with insulation and a grounded shield of
braided wire. Coaxial cables are widely used in the cable
television and computer industries. It is less prone to
interference than regular wire cables.

CODEC Acronym for encoder and decoder.

Connectionless vs. Connection-oriented Protocols – When
using a connectionless protocol, hosts are sending data without
establishing a connection with the recipient. The host does not
know whether the data arrive at their destination.
Connection-oriented protocols require a designated path to be
established between the sender and receiver.

Coding – The process of representing a varying function as a
series of digital numbers.