Oricom eco5100 Series User Manual
Page 2

Basic Operation …………………………………………………………………………… 9
During standby ………………………… 9
Cordless handset's LCD display ……… 9
Answering an incoming call …………… 9
Making an external call ……………… 10
Mute feature …………………………… 10
Paging the handset/s ……………… 10
Handset range ………………………… 11
Recall feature ………………………… 11
Call waiting …………………………… 11
Take two different calls at the same
time ………………………………… 11
Recall function when connected to a
PABX ……………………………… 12
Pause feature when using on a PABX 12
Handsfree mode ……………………… 13
Volume adjustment (with handset) … 13
Handset volume control …………… 13
Installation and Charger ……………… 2
Pack contents …………………………… 4
Purchasing additional handsets ……… 4
Your cordless handset ………………… 5
Understanding the cordless handset
display ………………………………… 6
Your eco5100 base unit ………………… 7
Bottom …………………………………… 8
Getting Started …………………………………………………………………………… 2
LNR Function (Last Number Redial) …………………………………………………… 16
Redial the last number ……………… 16
Store the last number dialled ……… 17
Delete last number dialled ………… 17
Phonebook ………………………………………………………………………………… 18
Add new records ……………………… 18
Review / Edit / Dial stored Phonebook
records ……………………………… 18
Delete one record …………………… 19
Caller ID Operation ……………………………………………………………………… 14
Review Caller ID records …………… 14
Store a CID number ………………… 14
Delete one or all CID record(s) …… 15