Basic ingredients – Oster deluxe bread and dough maker User Manual

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Basic Ingredients

Yeast is actually a microscopic plant. Simply stated, without yeast, your bread will not rise.
When moistened by a liquid, fed by sugar, and carefully warmed, yeast produces gases which
power the dough to rise. If the temperature is too cold, the yeast will not be activated; if it’s

too warm, it will die. The Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker takes care of this worry for
you by maintaining just the right temperature in the baking chamber at all times,



use either “active dry yeast”, ” quick acting”, “rapid rise yeast” or one of the new “Bread
machine yeasts” in your Oster Deluxe Bread and Dough Maker.

Sugars sweeten the bread, brown the crust, and lend tenderness to the texture. These jobs
can be performed by white or brown sugar, molasses, maple or corn syrups. honey, fruits or
other sweeteners.

In order for the bread to rise, the flour has to have a high protein content. You should
always use a “bread flour” (for white bread recipes) in your bread maker to get the best
results. Do not use all-purpose, cake flour or self-rising flour.

Unlike white bread flour, whole wheat flour contains bran and wheat germ which inhibit
rising. Wheat breads therefore tend to be heavier in texture and smaller in size. A lighter
larger loaf can be achieved by combining whole wheat flour with white bread flour for

wheat bread recipes.


When liquids are mixed with the proteins in flour, gluten is formed. Gluten is necessary for

rising. Many recipes use dry milk, but other liquids, such as fruit juice, beer, and water work

too. It’s a delicate balance: A recipe with too much liquid may cause the bread to fall during

baking while a recipe with too little liquid will not rise.

Salt inhibits rising, so be very careful measuring. Any ordinary table salt will do.

Many breads use fats to enhance the flavor and retain moisture. Typically, we use margarine
in these recipes, but butter may also be used.

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