Radio Shack Weather Radio User Manual
Page 4

tion is ideal for anyone who relies on know-
ing local weather conditions, such as
gardeners, farmers, or anyone who works
outdoors. It can also help you successfully
plan outdoor activities — from a picnic to
simply knowing when to carry your umbrella!
The supplied software also includes Accu-
Weather for Windows, which lets you access
AccuWeather’s Accu-Data
on-line service
and view or download current and past
weather information — color weather maps
(including radar and satellite images), weath-
er data, forecasts/warnings, and more from
all over the world.
The weather station’s other features include:
Display Touch Monitor — clearly shows
current conditions and various options. The
monitor alerts you when programmed condi-
tions are met.
Weather Measurements — the weather sta-
tion measures the air temperature, relative
humidity, and dew point temperature
(indoors and outdoors), as well as the baro-
metric pressure, wind speed/direction, wind
chill, and rainfall rate (outdoors only).
Built-In Memory — the weather station
records the highest and lowest readings for
temperature, relative humidity, dew point
temperature, maximum wind speed, daily
and accumulated rainfall, and minimum wind
chill. You can reset the memory separately
for each weather type.
Weather Alarms — let you set the monitor
to sound an alarm for each weather parame-
ter (temperature, wind speed, rainfall rate,
dew-point temperature, and so on) and alert
you when a set weather condition is reached.
Optional PC Connection — lets you con-
nect the monitor to a personal computer
(using an optional serial cable), so you can
record and store weather data on your PC
using the supplied AccuWeather for Win-
dows software.
Weather Forecast — the weather station
provides you with a forecast of the weather
conditions most likely to occur where the
weather station is located.
Weather Symbols — appear on the monitor,
showing you weather conditions at a glance
with sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, and rainy
Measurement Unit Selection — lets you
select the measurement unit (such as 12- or
24-hour time format, Fahrenheit or Celsius,
and so on) that the monitor displays in all
modes that use that unit.
Clock Display with Alarm — shows the
time and date, and lets you set an alarm to
sound at the same time every day.
Mounting Hardware — lets you easily
mount the weather station’s components in
the locations that best suit your needs.
Liquid Crystal Display — clearly displays
the monitor’s digital readings and functional
Backlight — makes the monitor’s display
easy to read in low light situations when
using AC power.
Low Battery Indicator — lets you know
when to change the batteries in the weather
station’s components.
Weather References — the Owner’s Manu-
al includes a glossary of frequently used
weather terms and a cloud classification
AccuWeather for Windows
Software Features
Real-Time Display of Weather Conditions
— lets you view the weather station’s data
output as it is received by your PC.
Helps Organize and Store Weather Data
— a variety of features let you organize and