Radio Shack CENTRAL 5000 49-2570 User Manual

Page 8

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Place a check mark next to any settings you want to discuss with ORCA, and refer
to these settings when you call them to set up service.


House Code

Preferred setting: House Code A

Can be any House Code (A-P).
Your system can control all mod-
ules set to the same house code.


Flashing Alert Unit Code

Preferred setting: Unit Code 16

Can be any Unit Code (1-16). A
light connected to a module set to
the same House and Unit Codes
you select flashes when the alarm
is tripped, and can be controlled
by the



on the handheld remote. This light
also turns on at dusk and turns off
around 11:30 PM when the sys-
tem is armed in the away mode.


Silent Alarm

Preferred setting: Audible alarm

Can be set to only call ORCA
Monitoring Services and not
sound the siren at all. If you select
silent alarm, you will hear no indi-
cation that the system has been


Lived-In Look Unit Codes

Preferred setting: 2, 3, and 4

You can select any three Unit
Codes. Modules set to the same
House Code and the three Unit
Codes you select turn on and off
at random times after dusk when
you arm the system in the away
mode. This gives your home a
lived-in appearance.


Entry and Exit Delays

Preferred setting: 60-second exit
delay; 30-second entry delay

Each can be set from 0 to 1000


Dial Delay

Preferred setting: 40 Seconds

Can be set from 0 to 1000 sec-
onds. This sets how long the con-
sole waits after it has been tripped
before it calls ORCA Monitoring
Services. Page 8 Wednesday, August 18, 1999 3:59 PM