Raritan Engineering Marine Elegance Toilet User Manual
Atlantes, Innovation through experience

Innovation Through Experience
Raritan manufactures equipment for pleasure boats throughout the world. Products
include marine toilets, waste treatment systems, icemakers and water heaters.
Committed to the environment and preserving sea life, Raritan designs products to
help maintain an environmental balance and ensure the quality of marine waters.
In addition, the company has achieved ISO 9001:2000 certification for quality.
Marine Products for Power & Sail
Established 1958
Good enough for your home but
designed for your boat
Elongated Bowl models
Whisper Flush operation when
installed with pressurized water
Every Atlantes conserves water with three flush options: normal
(3 quarts/2.85 liters), water saver (1 quart/.95 liters) and dry flush.
Self-contained Model (A5* or A6*)
All working parts are contained inside the one-piece porcelain bowl for
Quick and easy raw water flush installation
Freshwater Solenoid Model (A5F* or A6F*)
Whisper Flush
design for quiet operation
Less maintenance and odors than raw water models
Connects to vessels existing pressurized system
Remote Intake Pump Model (A5R* or A6R*)
Reduces noise levels
Easier access to intake pump, more flexible installation when long runs
are required
ALL Atlantes
Simple and flexible installation for mounting above or below waterline.
Available with integral flush lever (A5) or wall-mounted switch panel (A6).
Sea Fresh Systems available for all remote seawater pump (R) and
Freshwater solenoid (F) models
Can be used with on-board treatment systems (such as the Lectra/San
and/or holding tanks.
Easy to clean and maintain
Adjustable automatic timed-flush feature
Consistent, trouble-free performance; gold-plated connectors are
standard for superior electrical contact
Available for 12, 24, 32V DC or 120/240V AC.