When is it time to replace your foil and cutter, Remington pre-shave powder stick – Remington CORDLESS RECHARGEABLE SHAVER User Manual

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oscillator tip. Be careful not to lose the spring. To replace the
cutter assembly, place pin on bottom of cutter in slot of oscillator
tip and gently press downward in center of cutter until cutter
snaps into place.

When Is It Time to Replace

Your Foil and Cutter?

It is very important to replace your foil and cutter when neces-
sary to ensure a close, comfortable shave without irritation.
We recommend that the foil be replaced every 6 months and
the cutter be replaced every 12 months. Here are some signs
of foil and cutter wear, indicating that replacement is needed.

IRRITATION: As the foil gets excessively worn there may be
some skin irritation. This would be especially noticed when
applying After Shave lotion. When the cutter wears, you may
feel a sense of “pulling” and a loss of closeness when you
shave. This is an indication that it is time to replace your cutter
and foil. Visually check for any signs that the cutter has worn
through the foil. It is always best when replacing the cutter to
replace the foil at the same time.

Remington Pre-Shave Powder Stick

Absorbs moisture and facial oils...shaver glides easily over
your skin. Sets up beard for a smooth, close shave. Makes
shaving quicker and more comfortable.

Remington Shaver Saver Lubricant
A spray to clean and lubricate your shavers’cutters and head
assembly. Helps remove hair chips while it reduces wear. Just
a quick spray after each shave keeps your shaver operating at
peak performance.



Remington and MicroScreen

are trademarks of

Remington Corporat i o n ,L . L . C .
© 1998 RPC, L . L . C .R e v. 7 / 9 8

Warranty service must be performed by a Remington Company -
owned Service Center or Authorized Service Dealer and damage or
loss of any kind resulting from servicing by any other person is not
covered under warranty. E n closed is a listing of Company - ow n e d
S e rvice Centers. Authorized Service Center Dealers may be found
in the yellow pages of your directory. If you wish, you may mail the
p r o d u c t ,p o s t p a i d , to Remington Products Company, L . L . C . ,6 0
Main Street, B r i d g e p o r t , CT 06604 A t t e n t i o n :S e rvice Department.

U.S. Warranty Service
In the United States, service is pro v i d e d
by our Company-owned Service Centers and over 300
Authorized Service Dealers. The addresses of our
Company-owned Service Centers are enclosed. For the
a d d ress of your nearest Authorized Service Dealer, please
consult the Yellow Pages under “Shaver - Electric -
R e p a i r.” If you wish, you may mail the product, postpaid,
to Remington Products Company, L.L.C., 60 Main Stre e t ,
B r i d g e p o rt, CT 06604, Attention: Service Depart m e n t .

For questions or comments, please write:

Remington Products Company, L . L . C .
P. O . Box 1536,
H o r s h a m , PA 19044-6536
A t t e n t i o n : Consumer A f f a i r s

I n t e rnational Wa rranty Serv i c e

S e rvice under the Remington warranty can be obtained outside

the United States in Canada and England. Please consult your
local telephone dire c t o ry for the nearest location. If you like, you
may mail the product to the above listed address. Please allow
eight to twelve weeks for delivery of a replacement pro d u c t .

For questions or comments, please write:

Remington Products Company, L.L.C.
P.O. Box 1536
Horsham, PA 19044-6536
Att: Customer Serv i c e
Or call: 1-800-736-4648.

Questions or Comments: Please call 1-800-736-4648.

Visit us at http:\\www. r e m i n g t o n - p r o d u c t s . c o m

60 Main Street, B r i d g e p o r t , CT 06604

P R O D U C T S C O M P A N Y, L . L . C .



Money-Back Offer

If within 30 days after you have purchased your
Remington Cordless Rechargeable Shaver, you are
not satisfied and would like a refund, just take back
the shaver and sales slip indicating purchase price
and date of purchase to the retailer from whom the
shaver was purchased. Remington will reimburse
all retailers who accept the shaver within 30 days
from date of purchase. If you have any questions
concerning the money back guarantee, please call
(800) 736-4648.

Wa rranty – One Full Year
Remington warrants that your product, except as noted below, is,
on the date of purchase, free from defect in material and work-
manship for a period of one year. Remington will replace any
p roduct defective in materials or workmanship without charge if
you re t u rn the complete product either in person or by mail, post-
paid, to a Remington Company-Owned Service Center within one
year of the date of purchase. Please include with the re t u rn e d
item a letter stating the reason for the re t u rn and the re c e i p t
showing the date of purc h a s e .

Do not re t u rn the product to the retailer from which it was
p u rchased if defective.
Wa rranty service must be perf o rmed by a
Remington Company-Owned Service Center. The addresses of our
Company-Owned Service Centers are enclosed. If you wish, you
may mail the product, postpaid, to:

Remington Products Company, L.L.C.
60 Main Stre e t
B r i d g e p o rt, CT 06604
Attention: Service Depart m e n t

Please allow 6 to 10 weeks for delivery of a

replacement pr o d u c t .

This warranty does not cover damage by accident, misuse, abuse,
lack of reasonable care, affixing an unauthorized accessory, loss
of parts or alteration to the product. REMINGTON WILL NOT PAY
This warranty gives you specific
legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state
to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion limitation of inci-
dental or consequential damages or limitations on how long a
w a rranty lasts, so that the above limitations and exclusions may
not apply to you.