Riverstone Networks Network Device K-12 User Manual
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For more information on what Alcatel-Lucent can do for your
district, visit www.Alcatel-Lucent.com.
This Converge Thought Leadership Profile was sponsored by Alcatel•Lucent. © 2007 e.republic inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the u.s.A.
OmniAccess SafeGuard lets districts peer deeper into
network traffic to determine what users are doing on the
network and then compare that with what they’re allowed
to do. OmniAccess SafeGuard then flags any activities
prohibited by the district’s acceptable use policies (such
as peer-to-peer downloads or unsecured, public instant
messaging), therefore helping K-12 districts enforce the
school board’s desire to keep students safe online and protect
a school from becoming an agent of illegal activity.
Alcatel-Lucent VPN Firewall Brick solutions are designed
to support large-scale district network deployments and
manage the processing of large volumes of traffic on the
network. Alcatel-Lucent VPN Firewall Brick solutions offer
carrier-class reliability and security features and provide
security management capabilities for all phases of network
deployment, from VPN firewall installation to operation,
management, and reporting.
Running on a unique, secure operating system, the
Alcatel-Lucent VPN Firewall Brick portfolio is virtually
impenetrable to hackers and its advanced safeguards protect
against denial-of-service attacks, while delivering high-speed
content security and premium authentication services.
For today’s school and district’s networks, ensuring network
security is one of the biggest concerns. The high reliability
and ease-of-use offered by Alcatel-Lucent’s security products
make them ideal for K-12 systems seeking to offer high
security on their networks at relatively low cost.
With the Alcatel-Lucent network security solution and
the physical security support offered by Alcatel-Lucent’s
OmniPCX and Unified Communications suite in use at
Cheltenham and Ridley schools, districts get a compre-
hensive set of tools to secure the learning environment.
Alcatel-Lucent solutions help school districts share critical
information, including time-sensitive voice and video traffic.
These messages can be dispersed to the entire school com-
munity, improving response time and ensuring the safety
of both students and staff.. District alerts, text messaging,
paging, conferencing and E911 help K-12 learning envi-
ronments remain secure and protected. Additionally, the
complete set of tools designed to provide management,
configuration, troubleshooting, and security to the district
network allows IT administrators and managers to operate a
safe and effective network infrastructure. Complete network
protection and physical security are what’s NEXT in secure
K-12 learning environments.
“The new Alcatel-Lucent platform enables the district to ensure
the safety of our students and forge stronger communications
between teachers and parents.”
— Christopher W. McGinley, superintendent, Cheltenham Township School District