Raritan Computer Paragon II User Manual

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Paragon II - Frequently Asked Questions

©2007 Raritan Asia Pacific, Inc

Page 4 of 10

v1034R2 August 2007



Do I have to Adjust Video
Settings Every Time I Log

No, Paragon II will retain the previous video settings. If the P2CIM-Axxx
CIMs with automatic skew compensation support are deployed, the
video will be automatically adjusted. Users do not have to manually
adjust the video clarity for each channel, saving time during product

Do Both the P2-UST and P2-
EUST Support the Deko®
FastAction Keyboard?

Yes, the P2-EUST, with an appropriate firmware upgrade, will support
the Deko FastAction Keyboard.

What is Ghosting?

“Ghosts” describe the port names of the CIMs that may remain on their
channel ports after the CIMs have been disconnected; these records
appear in black on the OSD of the local user port, or are marked as
inactive in other Raritan interfaces that work with Paragon II. “Ghosting”
support allows administrators to elect to either keep or delete these
“ghost” records on any given system.

Does P2-HUBPAC Support
Automatic Skew

Yes, P2-HUBPAC supports automatic skew compensation.


Paragon II is a Stackable
Switch. Can I Stack Logical
Units to Increase the
Number of Ports Available?

Yes, Paragon II provides a stacking capability that eliminates the need to
run cable between logical ‘tiers’ and instead uses only a single stacking
cable and stacking units to add up to 128 ports.

I’d like to Eliminate All
Cables Between Cascaded
Paragon II Units. Can I do

Yes. For up to 128 server ports per switch, you can use Paragon II’s
exclusive stacking capability instead of cascading. If you require more
than 128 ports, cascading can be implemented in addition to stacking.

Will Stacking Use Up My
Ports Like Cascading

No. With just one stacking cable you can stack P2-UMT832M and P2-
UMT1664M units with P2-UMT832S and P2-UMT1664S units, using the
dedicated expansion ports. This gives you 100% non-blocked access
without sacrificing server or user ports.

How Many Paragon II
Switches can be Stacked?

You can stack four P2-UMT832 switches (one P2-UMT832M plus three
P2-UMT832S) and two P2-UMT1664 switches (one P2-UMT1664M plus
one P2-UMT1664S).

Can You Stack Second and
Third Tier Units?

Yes. Please consult the Paragon II manual for configuration and
compatibility guidelines.


How can I Check the UMTx
Firmware Version?

Select “scroll lock” twice and then select function “F8.” A field named
“firmware ver:” will display the firmware being used.

Is There an Easier Way to
Upgrade the Firmware
Without having to Plug In a
Serial Cable for Each
Paragon Component?

Yes, Paragon Manager allows you to ”push” the firmware to any device
connected to Paragon II.