Features, Diagrams, Directions – React Odessey RTPS2696o User Manual

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Looks and feels like a real guitar for the ultimate rock 'n' roll experience.

Advanced 2.4GHz wireless technology.

Auto scan mode and manual scan mode.

Power switch.

Uses 4 “AA” batteries(not included).

Working distance up-to 50 feet.

Adjustable strap makes playing comfortable.

Working Whammy Bar adds an extra touch of realism.

Five multicolored Fret Buttons and a responsive and durable Strum Bar
let you play along to the notes on the screen.



Front View

RX(Yellow LED)

Power(Green LED)

Connect Button









Strum Bar

Whammy Bar

Fret Buttons



Start Button: Start/Pause
Select Button: Select/Activates star power
Green Fret Button: Activates the green note/confirm
Red Fret Button: Activates the red note/cancel
Yellow Fret Button: Activates the yellow note
Blue Fret Button: Activates the blue note
Orange Fret Button: Activates the orange note
Strum Bar: Press the Strum Bar UP or DOWN to activate the Fret
Button(s) you have pressed. To navigate in menus press
the Strum Bar UP or DOWN.
Whammy Bar: Press in towards the guitar on long notes to alter the
sound of the song.
TILT Sensor: Tilt Wireless Guitar up to activate star power.

How to use the Wireless Guitar
1-Auto scan mode:

2. Place 4 AA batteries into the Wireless Guitar.

1. Remove the Whammy Bar Safety Tab by slowly pulling the small square
tab off of the Whammy Bar.

5. The Wireless Guitar will search for a signal and the receiver’s yellow

LED will illuminate when the connection has been made.

3. Plug the wireless receiver into the desired gameport.

4. Power on your console and the Wireless Guitar via the power switch.

Power Switch: Turn off after you finish playing.


Note: If Wireless Guitar does not find a connection, please repeat steps
1 - 4 again to ensure that your operation is right. If this does not work,

please check your video game console for other issues.

2-Manual scan mode:

If you are unable to get a connection with the wireless Guitar, you may

make the connection using the manual scan mode.

1. Press the CONNECT button on the receiver;

2. Immediately press CONNECT button on the Guitar backside.

This may take as long as 20 seconds.

Two Player Note: If using two wireless Guitars please connect the

1st Wireless Guitar and 1st wireless receiver before connecting the

2nd Guitar and receiver. Do not connect both units at the same time,
they must be connected and scanned separately.

Note: If the Wireless Guitar does not find a connection, please repeat

1 & 2 all over again to ensure that your operation is right. If this does not

work, please check your video game console for other issues.

The yellow LED will illuminate to indicate that the connection is a success.