Riverstone Networks Network Device SSG User Manual

Page 11

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examined to determine if the message can be

processed. Gateway Screening enables a network

management mechanism to prevent unauthorized

access, and thus protects network integrity.

Multiple Originating Point Code

The Alcatel 5070 SSG ANSI supports Multiple

Originating Point Code definitions, which allow

link sets to have a different adjacent point code

definition than the main STP point code. This

flexibility allows for ease of installation into

networks in which the Alcatel 5070 SSG ANSI

is replacing previously installed STP systems,

and in cases where network signaling is being

consolidated to a smaller set of STP systems

to provide economic savings in operations

and maintenance.

This functionality allows introduction or

consolidation of new STP systems into the

network without impact to subtending and

interconnected network elements. Rather than

having to change destination point codes and

adjacent node point codes, subtending and

interconnected elements retain their routing

definitions, while the new system is introduced

into the network via facility switchovers.

OSS Interfaces

The Alcatel 5070 SSG ANSI provides interfaces

to Telcordia operations support systems (OSSs)

for SS7 routing provisioning, LNP provisioning,

data collection and monitoring. The system

includes functionality based on GR-310 and

GR-778 for interface to the Telcordia Signaling

Network Activation Manager and the Telcordia

Network Performance Manager. Also, a CMISE

interface for LNP provisioning either to the

Signaling Network Activation Manager or to

an LSMS is provided per SR-4384. In addition

to monitoring capability, the system provides a

serial logging channel interface for delivery of

alarm and user interface command information.

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