Mini-cube sequences, Solving rubik’s mini-cube – Rubik's Mini-Cube T030-30000-02 User Manual

Page 3

background image

The next page offers specific sequences of moves
to reposition cube locations or color orientations.
For each sequence, the Mini-Cube’s sides are labeled
as shown.


RUBIK’S Mini-Cube

so the side you want to affect is

the Bottom Face. (The cube pieces in the Top Face will
return to their original positions at the end of the sequence.)
Select a sequence and do the moves in order. The arrow
symbols used to guide these moves indicate the turning
directions. For each indicated face (Front, Right, Back, etc.)
move one fourth turn in the direction of the arrow.

" # $ %


When working the Front or Back panels, it may help

to think of a right arrow as clockwise; a left arrow as count-

Think in mirror images. For example, two quarter-
twists of two touching faces turn an upside-down
cube piece right side up.

Try to solve the puzzle logically. Play with the
Mini-Cube and experiment with different sequences
of twists. Find out what they do!




Top Face

Back Face

Right Face

Left Face

Bottom Face

Front Face


Quarter Twist

Cube Piece

in Place


Quarter Twist

Once you start twisting, it’s easy to mix up the
Mini-Cube’s colors. Not to worry–the Mini-Cube can
be set right from any disarranged combination. The
following steps will help you solve the puzzle.

1. Select any cube piece as your starting corner.

This cube piece is automatically in the
correct position.

2. Turn the Mini-Cube so

that the selected cube
piece is in the top face.

3. Find a second cube piece

that’s a side-by-side
match and twist it
into place.

Diagonal Swapper*

Swap two diagonally opposite cube pieces.
The other two cube pieces remain in their
original places.

Front #; Left %; Bottom


Left $; Bottom "; Front "; Bottom



Move a triangle of three cube pieces count-
er-clockwise. The fourth cube remains in its
original place.

Back "; Left

%; Bottom

#; Left $;

Back #; Left %;

Bottom "; Left $


Flip three cube pieces to align their colors
correctly, while keeping them in their same

Back "; Bottom

#; Back #; Bottom #; Back ";

Bottom #; Bottom #; Back #; Bottom #; Bottom #;

*Note that you are attempting to reposition cube piece
locations, not colors. The orientation of color faces may
change as you complete the sequence.




The diagrams below show the bottom face.
(That is, the view you would have if you tilt the
whole mini-cube away from you.)