Installer’s safety checklist – Roadmaster Sterling All Terrain User Manual

Page 6

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Safe towing practices

continued from preceding page

using a tow bar, never tow more than one vehicle, or non-
warranty damage or injury may result.

The tow bar stinger fits motorhome hitch receiv-

ers with 2-inch inner diameters.

If the motorhome hitch

receiver is a larger size, attach a 2-inch adaptor sleeve
(not supplied) to the hitch receiver.

Damage to the tow bar stinger or other components

of the tow bar, abnormal wear patterns on the towed
vehicle’s tires, as well as other, consequential damage
may result if an adaptor sleeve is not used.

Keep the tow bar clean and well-lubricated.

As is

the case with most precision equipment, frequent clean-
ing and care results in better performance and longevi-
ty. Refer to the section titled “Care and cleaning” for fur-
ther information.

Failure to follow these instructions may cause

property damage, personal injury or even death.

Installer’s safety checklist

The following safety checklist is provided to the install-

er with the instructions for installing the Sterling All Ter-
rain tow bar. It is repeated here for your information.

As a precaution, verify that all safety requirements

have been followed before towing the vehicle.

Stress to the owner that the tow bar must be with-

in the ‘Safe Zone’

— no more than three inches above

level or four inches below level. Towing with an out-of-
level tow bar will cause significant wear and tear on the
tow bar and mounting brackets, and on the towed vehi-
cle’s suspension and frame. (See the section titled “Stay
within the ‘Safe Zone’” for further information.)

Show the owner how to properly operate the tow


Familiarize yourself with the features of the tow bar.

Demonstrate them to the owner, and ask the owner to
connect and disconnect the tow bar and other compo-
nents of the towing system, until the owner is comfort-
able with its operation.

Caution the owner to use a receiver hitch rated

higher than the actual weight of the towed vehicle.

The motorhome receiver hitch must have a minimum

capacity of no less than the weight of the towed vehicle
and all its contents.

(The Sterling All Terrain tow bar is rated at a maxi-

continued on next page