Roberts Gorden Combat UHD[X][S][R] 75 User Manual
Page 5

Figure 1: Clearances to Combustibles ...................................... 3
Figure 2: Air Flow Direction ....................................................... 7
Figure 3: Suspension Methods ................................................. 8
Figure 4: Shelf-Mounting Methods ............................................ 9
Figure 5: Wall Shelf Mounting and Suspension ........................ 9
Figure 6: Vent and Roof Detail ................................................ 13
Figure 7: Standard Vented Heater - Vertical and Horizontal
Vent Termination ...................................................... 13
Figure 8: Standard Vented Heater - Common Vertical Vent
Termination .............................................................. 14
Figure 9: Separated Combustion Heater - Vertical and
Horizontal Vent Termination..................................... 15
Figure 10: Concentric Vent Box............................................... 15
Figure 11: Concentric Vertical and Horizontal Vent Termination -
Separated Combustion Heater............................... 16
Figure 12: Gas Connection ..................................................... 18
Figure 13: Automatic Burner Control Sequence...................... 24
Figure 14: Gas Valve .............................................................. 24
Figure 15: Manual Reset Limit Switch..................................... 26
Figure 16: LED Diagnostic Codes ........................................... 27