Royal Consumer Information Products U19019 G20 User Manual
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Allow the appliance to cool for 1 hour before handling any components. Remove the controls cover and unscrew
the two wing screws securing the canopy in place as shown in (fig 3). Lift the canopy off the appliance and place to
one side. Support the glass panel and remove the four wing screws securing the glass panel and retaining plate in
position and lift clear of the L & R hand corner retaining brackets and upwards clear of the side plates. Should any
soot accumulation become excessive, the fuel effect pieces should be removed from the fire for cleaning.
Cleaning should be carried out in a well-ventilated area or in the open air, by gently brushing with the pieces
held away from your face so that you avoid inhaling the dust. We do not recommend the use of a normal
domestic vacuum cleaner, which may blow dust back into the air. Care fully lift off the coals and the coal support
shelf, remove the L & R hand side cheeks also the simulated coal front, lift out the two burner inserts, if necessary
remove the back panel. Any debris in the burner ports may be removed with a thin piece of card or similar material.
The firebed can now be replaced in the following way. If the back panel has been removed - stand the panel on the
support flange behind the two rear legs and stand the L & R hand side cheeks on the side support flanges. Place the
coal support shelf with the rebate on the underside, located over the rear flange of the support channel. Place the
burner inserts in the channel between the front and rear ports; position the simulated front coal on the shelf with the
rebates over the flanges. See Fig 4.
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