Rio Grande Games Doge 75 User Manual
Page 8
In addition to the ballot markers, players get 1
vote for each advisor that they control that
stands in the area where the election is held. A
player with no ballot marker or just a 0 value
ballot marker in an area can still win or be
runner-up if he has one or more advisors in the
The effects of the elections differ between the
districts and the Quarantia. In any case, players
who win or finish second in elections will be able
to take control of and move advisors
and/or build or move houses in the
Taking control of an advisor
When a player takes control of an advisor, he
places one of his control rings on top of the
advisor. If another player has control of the
advisor, he removes the other player’s control
ring and returns it to that player’s supply.
Each player has only 6 control rings, and, thus, a
player may only control 6 advisors at a time. If a
player with control of 6 advisors, earns the right
to control another, he must abstain.
Standing an advisor in an area
When a player takes control of an advisor, he
must immediately choose the area where he
wants that advisor to stand. He may not choose
the advisor’s home area, but may choose any
other area, including the area where the advisor
is standing (he need not move the advisor). An
advisor may only be moved at the moment a
player wins an election in the advisor’s home
Abstaining from taking control of an advisor
A player may abstain from taking control of an
advisor. When a player abstains from taking
control of an advisor for the Quarantia, he may
move 1 of his houses from any district to any
other district. The winner may abstain from taking
control of 1 or 2 advisors and move 1 or 2 houses,
When a player abstains from taking control of an
advisor for a district, he may move 1 of his houses
from the home district of the advisor to any other
district, or move 1 of his houses from any other
district to the home district of the advisor.
When a player abstains from taking control of an
advisor, the advisor becomes neutral. The player
takes the control ring from the advisor and
returns it to the player who controlled it. He then
places the advisor on its symbol on the right side
of the board.
Election in the Quarantia
The Quarantia is the home area for 3 advisors. The
winner of the election in the Quarantia gains
control over 2 of the Quarantia’s advisors. The
runner-up of the election in the Quarantia gains
control over 1 of the Quarantia’s advisors. All
other players get nothing.
First, the winner takes all
3 Quarantia advisors
and neutralizes them.
Next, the winner takes
control of one of the
neutral Quarantia
advisors and stands it in
the district of his choice.
If he abstains, he leaves 1 of Quarantia’s advisors
neutral and moves 1 of his houses.
Then, the runner-up chooses one of the neutral
Quarantia advisors, takes control of it, and stands
it in the district of his choice. If he abstains, he
leaves 1 of Quarantia’s advisors neutral and
moves 1 of his houses.
Finally, the winner chooses one of the neutral
Quarantia advisors, takes control of it, and stands
it in the district of his choice. If he abstains, he
leaves 1 of Quarantia’s advisors neutral and
moves 1 of his houses.
Bernd wins the Quarantia election and Anna is
the runner-up.
Bernd takes control of his first advisor and stands
it in San Marco, as the election for San Marco is
next and he wants to strengthen his position
Anna sees no advantage in taking control of an
advisor and so abstains to move one of her
Finally, Bernd also abstains to move a house.