4.when previewing picture is pixcelised – Ratoc Systems PCIFW1U User Manual

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10-4.When previewing picture is pixcelised.

When you use Windows98 and installed PAL driver, instead of NTSC or installed NTSC

driver, instead of PAL mistakenly, previewing is pixcelised.

Here is how to fix it when you installed NTSC driver mistakenly, instead of PAL driver.

1.Click Start button and select Run.

2.Type in Regedit. Click [OK].

3.Find DVCR under Sony under Software under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

as shown below.

4.Click DVCR and find “NTSC” string.

(When you installed PAL driver mistakenly, instead of NTSC driver, find “PAL” string.)

5.Double-click VidFormat and replace the “NTSC” with “PAL”.

(When you installed PAL driver mistakenly, instead of NTSC driver, replace the “PAL”

with “NTSC”.)

6.Click [OK].