Razor safety tips – Razor ScreamMachine User Manual
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the responsibility of the user to periodically inspect the brake pads for
excess wear and misalignment. If you do not understand how to adjust
or realign the brake pads, we strongly recommend you seek the help of
a qualified mechanic. If the brakes are not properly adjusted the brakes
may fail and you can be seriously injured.
8. Razor Safety Tips
WARNING TO PARENTS: Kids need to be taught and be
frequently reinforced of the importance of safe riding, the rules of the
road and the dangers and hazards of traffic, especially motor vehicle
traffic. Parents and children are urged to read and understand these
safety tips together.
8A. Rules of the road
Do not play in the road or street.
Do not ride on streets.
Do not ride at night.
Stop for all stop signs.
Use crosswalks to cross streets.
Always walk at crosswalks.
Never use near steps or swimming pools.
8B. Your driveway. Driveway accidents are frequent and often fatal.
Realize the danger of your own and all other driveways. There may be
obscured vision caused by trees, bushes or cars. Your driveway is not a
launching pad for fast roll-outs! Observe the following driveway safety
Look left, right and left again before exiting onto sidewalks or into
playground areas.
8C. Stop signs. Running a stop sign is a sure way to get hit by a car
and killed. Remember, always stop at every stop sign or stop light.
Always stop and walk across only when it is clear. Do not assume that
drivers of motor vehicles can see you. In fact, assume that every driver
cannot see you and that they are not paying attention. Observe the
following safety tips:
Stop at all stop signs and lights, regardless of traffic conditions.
Look in every direction of traffic before proceeding to walk across.
Watch especially for oncoming traffic making left turns.
Watch for cars behind you or next to you making right turns.
Wait for traffic to clear before proceeding.