Nova Kool CHAPTER 10 User Manual
Page 7

American Tug 34 Owner Experiences
Chapter 10 Galley
Page 10-7
• Xintex/Fireboy control unit – A control pad located by the door on the side of the
galley cabinet.
• Propane sniffer – a small orange plastic device located under the galley counter
used to identify propane gas if there is a leak. (Propane is heavier than air, so
the sniffer is generally located low on a boat.)
• Force 10 stove
Propane Control and Leak Detector
The Xintex control unit is used to open and close the solenoid and also to monitor the
propane sniffer. If the unit senses propane, it will sound and alarm. Its is powered from a
distribution panel under the dash, that is fed through the ‘always-on’ circuit controlled by
a 30A breaker under the pilothouse seat.
Xintex Control Unit and Propane Sensor
The Xintex/Fireboy S-2A we have can monitor two sensors, but only had one installed
(the red thing in the photo above) under the galley drawers.
We added a second one, under the stove itself, ordered from the Xintex website. It is a
MS-2 Gasoline and Propane Sensor with 20' cable, $87.00 in 2004, and plugs right into
the control unit.
To test the sensor, press the button below each sensor. It should sound the alarm which is
silenced by pressing the alarm silence button. Periodically, we also carefully spray
propane from a barbeque lighter on each sensor.
Propane tanks are installed with a pressure gauge that after the regulator and before the
shutoff solenoid. Periodically you should do the following pressure tests to ensure that
there are no propane leaks:
• With the solenoid closed and the stove burners closed, check that the pressure
gauge holds pressure. If it does not, there is a leak somewhere between the
solenoid and the tank. Use soapy water over the short line and fittings to locate
this leak.
• With the solenoid open and the stove burners closed, check that the pressure
gauge holds pressure. If it does not, there is a leak somewhere between the