Newcon Optik LRB 20 000 User Manual

Page 14

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The principal tests to be performed on the range finder are listed below.

Table 9.1

What is checked, tools, instruments,

equipment. Test procedure

Technical requirement

1. Range finder completeness

2. Range finder exterior

3.Exterior of range finder optical

parts (to be checked visually).
Make sure the unit is off!

4. Dehydrator case of range finder

(to be checked visually)

5.Battery voltage. Proceed as

directed under 8.3.1.

6. Illumination of range finder

Binocular reticle. Check that front
cover is closed on range finder

and set ILLUM. selector switch to

7.Functioning of range finder.
Proceed as directed under 8.3.2.

8. Setting of zero elevation

reference (ER “0”). Proceed as
under 8.6.1.

Range finder is complete with all
components listed in Section 5

Exterior surfaces are clean and free from
cracks, dents and rust

Optical surfaces are free from cracks,

scratches, chips, dirt, grease stains (on
exterior) and condensed moisture

Silica gel is bluish in colour

Red glow not observed in left eyepiece of
range finder

Binocular reticle is illuminated

Measurement results are within 5 m of
predetermined range or on another ER
“O” error determined for vertical angle

scale is to be reckoned in while
measuring target elevation

Table 9.1, continued

What is checked, tools, instruments,

equipment. Test procedure

Technical requirement

9. Sensitivity, indexing uniformity

and balance of magnetic needle.
Proceed as under 8.6.2.

10. AI azimuth and elevation

adjustment knobs for play

Turn in unit for repair if even a
single requirement of 8.6.2. is
not satisfied

If necessary, tighten bushings on
knob end faces to eliminate play


10.1. Maintenance Organization and Procedure. General


10.1.1. This Section deals with the maintenance services

prescribed for the range finder, excepting the battery servicing
procedure. For the latter procedure, refer to Section 16.

10.1.2. The range finder is serviced to ensure its operability

and readiness for operation.

The range finder is subject to timely full-scope servicing,

unless premature wear should occur resulting in shorter periods
between repairs.

10.1.3. While preparing for and carring out the maintenance

services, observe the safety precautions as outlined in Section 6.