NAD 616 User Manual
Dubbing cassette deck

Dubbing Cassette Deck
• Auto Reverse for both transports
• Dolby HX Pro circuitry improves high frequency response
• Play Trim ensures compatibility with virtually any tape
• Dolby B & C Noise Reduction circuits
• Switchable, electronic tape counter for both transports
• Normal and High Speed dubbing modes
• Repeat and Sequential play facilities
• Peak Hold facility on Record level meters
• NAD-Link for remote control capability
More than often, dubbing cassette decks are based around cheap tape transports and electronics, trading
off sonic performance for convenience. The NAD Model 616 dubbing deck is an exception to this rule;
convenience combined with the performance one would expect from a high quality, single well deck.
Features and Design
Rather than incorporating seldom used features such as Auto Search, etc. which can degrade the overall
sound quality and reliability, the NAD Model 616 offers features which are specifically tailored towards the
most common uses for a dubbing cassette deck; making high quality recordings and copies, uninterrupted
playback for a prolonged time and play back of pre-recorded tapes.
With almost any other deck the results of playing back a pre-recorded tape or tape recorded on a different
machine are disappointing, particularly if the tape has been recorded with Dolby NR. The causes for poor
playback are multiple; differences in head alignment, wrong bias level; aging of the tape, etc. As a result the
noise reducing circuits (Dolby B & C) "mistrack", resulting in dull, un-engaging sound. The Play Trim
control provides adjustable boost or cut of the high frequencies before the Dolby Noise Reduction circuits
thus eliminating high frequency roll-off and mistracking and thereby restoring flat frequency response and
superb playback fidelity. Play-Trim works also in dubbing mode, making it possible to produce a copy which
sounds better than the original!
The digital tape counter with its four digits allows you to find passages on the cassette with great accuracy for
both transports; the tape count is independent for each transport. At the touch of a button the display will
show the tape count for either transport A or B. No need to turn the turn the cassette yourself, Auto-Reverse
will automatically switch sides on both transports once the end of one side of the cassette is reached.
Sequential Playback (playback of transport A first, then automatically switch to transport B) in combination
with Auto-Reverse offers uninterrupted music for as much as 3 hours. With the repeat facility a single
cassette can be played eight times or both cassettes for four hours, giving you up to twelve hours of music.
Thanks to NAD-Link the Model 616 can be remote controlled by one of NAD's universal remote controls
which come supplied with other NAD equipment which sports NAD-Link.
With two motors and a flat belt-driven balanced flywheel for each transport, wow and flutter is well below
audible levels whilst speed accuracy is maintained. The inherent simplicity of the two motor transport
ensures excellent reliability, even with intensive use.
The no-compromise electronics - quieter than any tape can be - incorporate Dolby HX Pro circuitry, which
together with accurate alignment and a high quality heads, improves high frequency response at high
recording levels and avoids tape saturation. In combination with the excellent transports the NAD model 616
may well be the only dubbing cassette deck in its price range to faithfully reproduce a wide-range CD or
copy another cassette without dulling the original's impact.