Warnings, General safety, Service/repair – REX ZA 26 S User Manual

Page 14

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Tous les matŽriaux et les accessoires utilisŽs pour

emballer nos grands ŽlectromŽnagers, sauf ceux qui

sont en bois recyclables et peuvent donc se

Voici ce que nous vous conseillons:
¥ DŽposez les emballages en papier, en carton et

en carton ondulŽ aux endroits prŽvus pour le

ramassage de ce genre de matŽriau.

¥ Mettez les piŽces en plastique dans les

conteneurs prŽvus ˆ cet effet. Si ce genre de

conteneurs nÕexistent pas encore ˆ lÕendroit o•

vous habitez, vous pouvez Žliminer les matŽriaux

en question en les mettant dans les ordures


Pour les emballages de mati•res plastiques

recyclables, par example:

Les exemples reportent les symboles suivants:

PE pour polyŽthyl•ne** 02 = ^ PE-HD; 04 = ^ PE-LD
PP pour le polypropyl•ne
PS pour le polystyr•ne


Pour faciliter lÕŽlimination et :ou le recyclage des

matŽriaux, la plupart des pi•ces de lÕappareil ont

une contremarque qui en facilite lÕindentification.










ATTENTION: En dehors des tempŽratures

ambiantes indiquŽes par la classe climatique

dÕappartenance de ce produit, il est obligatoire de

respecter les indications suivantes: lorsque la

tempŽrature ambiante descend sous la valeur

minimum, la tempŽrature de conservation du

compartiment congŽlateur peut ne pas •tre

garantie; il est donc conseillŽ de consommer les

produits que ce dernier contient au plus vite.

¥ Un produit dŽcongelŽ ne doit jamais •tre


¥ Suivez les indications du fabricant pour la

conservation et/ou congŽlation des aliments.

¥ Dans tous les appareils de rŽfrigŽration et

congŽlation il y a des surfaces qui se couvrent de

givre. Suivant le mod•le, ce givre peut •tre

ŽliminŽ automatiquement (dŽgivrage

automatique) ou bien manuellement.

¥ NÕessayez jamais dÕenlever le givre avec un objet

mŽtallique, vous risqueriez dÕendommager

irrŽparablement lÕŽvaporateur. NÕemployez pour

cela que une spatule en plastique.

¥ De m•me, ne dŽcollez jamais les bacs ˆ glace

avec un couteau ou tout autre objet tranchant.

¥ Ne placez ni bouteilles ni bo”tes de boissons

gazeuses dans le congŽlateur/compartiment ˆ

basse tempŽrature, elles pourraient exploser.

Protection de lÕenvironnement

Cet appareil ne contient pas, dans son circuit de

rŽfrigŽrant et ses mati•res isolantes, de gaz

rŽfrigŽrant nocifs ˆ la couche dÕozone. LÕappareil

ne doit pas •tre mis au rebut avec les ordures

urbaines et la ferraille. Il faut Žviter dÕendom-

mager le circuit de rŽfrigŽrant, surtout ˆ lÕarri•re

de lÕappareil, pr•s de lÕŽnchangeur thermique.

Vous pouvez vous renseigner sur les centres de

ramassage aupr•s de votre bureau municipal.

Les matŽriaux utilisŽs dans cet appareil

identifiŽs par le symbole

sont recyclables.



It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for future

reference. Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, or should you move house

and leave the appliance, always ensure that the book is supplied with the appliance in order that the

new owner can be acquainted with the functioning of the appliance and the relevant warnings.
If this appliance featuring magnetic door seals is to replace an older appliance having a spring lock

(latch) on the door or lid, be sure to make that spring lock unusable before you discard the old

appliance. This will prevent it from becoming a death-trap for a child.
These warnings are provided in the interest of safety. You must read them carefully before installing or

using the appliance.

General Safety

¥ This appliance is designed to be operated by

adults. Children should not be allowed to tamper

with the controls or play with the product.

¥ It is dangerous to alter the specifications or

modify this product in any way.

¥ Before any cleaning or maintenance work is carried

out, be sure to switch off and unplug the appliance.

¥ This appliance is heavy. Care should be taken

when moving it

¥ Ice lollies can cause frost burns if consumed

straight from the appliance.

¥ Take utmost care when handling your

appliance so as not to cause any damages to

the cooling unit with consequent possible

fluid leakages.

¥ The appliance must not be located close to

radiators or gas cookers.

¥ Avoid prolonged exposure of the appliance to

direct sunlight.

¥ There must be adequate ventilation round the

back of the appliance and any damage to the

refrigerant circuit must be avoided.

¥ For freezers only (except built-in models): an

ideal location is the cellar or basement.

¥ Do not use other electrical appliances (such

as ice cream makers) inside of refrigerating



¥ Any electrical work required to install this

appliance should be carried out by a qualified

electrician or competent person

¥ This product should be serviced by an authorized

Service Centre, and only genuine spare parts

should be used.

¥ Under no circumstances should you attempt to

repair the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out

by inexperienced persons may cause injury or

more serious malfunctioning. Refer to your local

Service Centre, and always insist on genuine

spare parts.

¥ This appliance contains hydrocarbons in its

cooling unit; maintenance and recharging must

therefore only be carried out by authorized



¥ The domestic refrigerators and freezers are

designed to be used specifically for the storage

of edible foodstuffs only.

¥ Best performance is obtained with ambient

temperature between +18¡C and +43¡C (class

T); +18¡C and +38¡C (class ST); +16¡C and

+32¡C (class N); +10¡C and +32¡C (class SN).

The class of your appliance is shown on its rating

Warning: when the ambient temperature is not

included within the range indicated for the class

of this appliance, the following instructions must

be observed: when the ambient temperature

drops below the minimum level, the storage

temperature in the freezer compartment cannot

be guaranteed; therefore it is advisable to use

the food stored as soon as possible.

¥ Frozen food must not be re-frozen once it has

been thawed out.

¥ ManufacturersÕ storage recommendations should

be strictly adhered to. Refer to relevant


¥ The inner lining of the appliance consists of

channels through which the refrigerant passes. If

these should be punctured this would damage the

appliance beyond repair and cause food loss. DO


frost or ice. Frost may be removed by using a

plastic scraper. Under no circumstances should

solid ice be forced off the liner. Solid ice should be

allowed to thaw when defrosting the appliance.

¥ Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the

freezer as it creates pressure on the container,

which may cause it to explode, resulting in

damage to the appliance. Do not use a

mechanical device or any artificial means to