Warning, Caution – Nordyne Q4 Series User Manual
Page 7

Figure 4. Minimum Clearances
Condensate Drain
Figure 5. Condensate Drain
Ground Level — When installing the unit at
ground level, provide a concrete mounting pad
separate from the building foundation. The pad
must be level to insure proper condensate
disposal and strong enough to support the unit’s
weight. Refer to Figure 3. Make sure the slab
is a minimum of 2" above the grade and in an
area that drains well (See Figure 6).
Rigging and Hoisting — The unit should be
lifted using slings and spreader bars. The
spreader bars are necessary to prevent damaging
the top of the unit’s cabinet. Make sure that the
lifting equipment is adequate for the load. Refer
to Figure 3 for unit weights. Keep the unit in an
upright position at all times.
To avoid the risk of property damage or
personal injury; it is the rigger’s
responsibility to insure that whatever
means are used to hoist the unit are
safe and adequate.
All panels must be securely in place
when rigging and hoisting.
The rigging must be located outside the unit’s
center of gravity. Refer to Figure 3 for center of
gravity locations.
Rooftop — For rooftop installations use the
appropriate accessory roof curb and follow all
instructions included with it. Locate the unit
according to local building codes and ordinances.
The curb must be level to insure proper
condensate drainage (See Figure 7).
The roof must be capable of handling the weight
of the unit. (See Figure 3) for unit weights.
Reinforce the roof if required.
This unit is designed only for use with a
supply and return duct. Air ducts should be
installed in accordance with the standards of
the National Fire Protection Association
“Standard for Installation of Air Conditioning
S y s t e m s ” ( N F P A 9 0 A ) , “ S t a n d a r d f o r
Installation of Residence Type Warm Air
Heating and Air Conditioning Systems” (NFPA
90B), and all applicable local codes.
Design the duct work according to methods
described by the National Warm Air Heating and
Air Conditioning Association (ACCA). The ducts
must be properly sized not to exceed .2" w.c.
pressure drop at 400 scfm per nominal ton of
cooling capacity.
Duct work should be attached directly to the unit
flanges for horizontal applications. On roof curb
installations the ducts must be attached to the
curb hangers, not the unit.
Unconditioned Spaces — All duct work passing
through unconditioned space must be properly
insulated to minimize duct losses and prevent
condensation. Use insulation with an outer
vapor barrier. Refer to local codes for insulation
material requirements.