NEC 5800 User Manual

Page 5

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Express5800/A1160 Server Standard Warranty

Req uires preplanning for installation b y NECAM
and the Custo mer. An Installatio n Site Preparatio n
Guide will be delivered and agreed upo n b etween the
Custo mer and NECAM prior to installatio n. T his
document will pro vide an Outline o f the Installatio n
Plans and Processes.

Installatio n will take (2) days o n-site. Installatio n
includes; Hard ware, Op erating System; network
connectio n, configuratio n and ad ministrator training
at the Custo mer site. An ything beyo nd the 2 days
will req uire additio nal fees.


NEC relocatio n services is a fee-based service d elivered
b y an NEC Engineer and or a NEC Certified Service
Provider to help Custo mers protect their IT investments
b y red ucing risks, includ ing minimal do wntime, that are
kno wn to be asso ciated with relo catio n.

NECAM or the Certified Service Provider will work
with the Custo mer to p lan and coord inate the mo ve.

NECAM’s Engineer will with the Custo mer System’s
Ad ministrator to shut-do wn the server, d ismantle
what is necessary and crate the server(s), and will
once relocated, install the server into the new

The original shipping carton sho uld be retained for
limiting risks asso ciated with relocatio n. If a new
container is needed fro m NEC, a fee can be assessed
and add itio nal lead time will be req uired for the
special order ite m.

NECAM will arrange at the Custo mers co st,
transportation fro m the o ld location and to the new
one. Custo mer may choo se its o wn shipping vendo r
over NECAM’s, b ut NECAM must be able to work
with the shipper to ensure proper req uirements are

If Custo mer relocates the NEC server witho ut the
use o f NECCare Professional Services, NEC may
require yo ur server to be recertified at an add itio nal
fee to revalidate and maintain the warranty o f yo ur
server. An y damage o ccurring d uring a no n-NEC
assisted mo ve will vo id the warranty o f the server.
Please refer to the sectio n in this document entitled:
What is Covered and W hat is Not Co vered for
further informatio n.