NAD HTR-5 User Manual
H t r - 5

H T R - 5
The NAD HTR-5 is an extremely versatile remote control that is
designed to replace the numerous individual remote controls that are
normally required to operate all of your equipment. It is capable of
controlling up to 12 devices and has an LCD screen that allows four
pages of information for each of the devices (see below). Just imagine
controlling your components with one remote control instead of having
to jump from one remote to the next - that's if you can find them in
the first place!
While it has been designed with NAD products in mind, it is truly universal
and contains many of the operation codes for other brands. If one of
your components' code isn't included in the library, the HTR-5 can
learn it. The HTR-5 can learn up to 780 functions from all of your origi-
nal remote controls, so there is little chance of running out of memory.
In fact, the HTR-5 can be totally customized and programmed in any
way you wish. Buttons may be easily renamed, for example, Device 1
renamed to DVD and so on. Macro functions allow the more advanced
user to complete even more enhanced changes. There is a personal
computer interface that allows you to programme and even clone the
unit. In addition, further design software is available by connecting to
the NAD web site at
If you are not technical, no need to worry. The NAD HTR-5 is easy to
operate. The 60 Favourite buttons means that you will easily access
the commands that you require. This smart remote can be used in
both bright and low light conditions, making it ideal in Home Theatre
The NAD HTR-5 has a memory back-up system to protect your
settings when batteries run low or are being changed.
All in all, the NAD HTR-5 offers a very intelligent solution to combining
all your remote control units into one easy to operate remote control.
- Controls up to 12 Devices
- Preprogrammed with all NAD
remote commands
- Includes a library of commands for
most other brands of Audio, Video,
and Home Automation components
- Learning function - learns up to 780
functions from your original remote
- LCD Screen - each of the twelve
devices has four “pages” of LCD
- Macro Operations for enhanced
- M1, M2, M3 Buttons send out up
to 28 commands each
- 12 Device Buttons send out up
to 14 commands each
- 60 Favorite Channel Buttons send
out up to 14 commands each
- Punch Through Operations permit
easy access to commonly used
functions without reselecting the
- Back Lit for easy operation in low
light conditions
- Memory back-up system prevents
memory loss when changing batteries
- PC Interface allows easy program-
ming and cloning using a Personal
- Customized Operations and LCD
Screens are easily programmed
© 2001 NAD Electronics International
NAD Electronics International reserves the right
to change specifications or features without
notice as design improvements are incorporated.
NAD is a registered trademark of NAD
Electronics International.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication
may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in
any form whatsoever without the written
permission of NAD Electronics International.
Printed in Canada 10/01.
T h e H T R - 5 h a s a n i n t u i t i v e k e y p a d l a y o u t a n d p o w e r f u l
p ro g r a m m i n g f e a t u re s w h i c h a l l o w y o u t o c u s t o m i
ze it
t o m a t c h y o u r e x a c t re q u i re m e n t s f o r p re c i s e a n d t o t a l
c o n t ro l o f y o u r e n t i re h o m e e n t e r t a i n m e n t s y s t e m .