Nikon 5000 ED User Manual
Page 28

Viewing the Easy Scanning Guide (Macintosh)
Insert the Nikon Scan 4 Reference Manual/Easy
Scanning Guide CD and double-click the
guide_OSX icon (Mac OS X) or easy_guide_OS9
icon (Mac OS 9). The Macromedia Flash Player
will start and a language selection screen will be
displayed; click the appropriate link to view the
guide in the desired language. The Easy Scanning
Guide can also be copied to the computer hard
disk for ease of reference (total size: approximately
200 MB). Copy the “easy_guide_main” folder and
easy_guide_OSX (Mac OS X), or easy_guide_
OS9 (Mac OS 9) to the desktop.
Users of Mac OS X should ensure that the start-up
disk is named using only letters and numbers (the
default name for the start-up drive is "Macintosh
HD"). The guide may not start if the volume name
contains punctuation or other non-alphanumeric