Nike + SPORTBAND User Manual
Page 10

The Nike+ SportBand User’s Guide
Note: If you don’t enter your weight in the User tab, your Nike+ SportBand will
display “----” in place of the numbers of calories burned, while recording your run.
Setting the Units of Distance
In the User tab, you can set the units of distance to miles or kilometers.
The default setting is miles, but you can use the pop-up menu to change the units
to kilometers.
Resetting the SportBand Link to Factory Settings
If you want to reset all the settings back to the original factory defaults, click the More
Options button in the User tab.
When you click the Reset button, a dialog will appear. If you click OK, all of the settings
will be set back to factory settings. You will also have to log-in again. Make sure this is
something you really want to do, because this action cannot be undone. This will clear
your user settings, time, calibration information and “total” distance numbers from your
SportBand Link. (However, the information you’ve already uploaded to will
remain intact.)
To customize more settings, select another tab. When you are finished, click the Done
button. This will save your changes, close the settings window, and take you back to the
Nike+ Utility’s main window.