National Instruments NI PXI-1006 User Manual

Ni pxi-1006 power supply shuttle user guide, Unpacking, What you need to get started

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April 2003


NI PXI-1006 Power Supply Shuttle
User Guide

The NI PXI-1006 power supply shuttle is a replacement part for the
PXI-1006 chassis.

To minimize downtime caused by a power supply failure, the PXI-1006
chassis has a modular power supply shuttle. This power supply shuttle
includes the chassis power supply, cooling fans, and fan-control circuitry.
Key features of the power supply shuttle include the following:

Universal AC input with automatic voltage and frequency ranging

Over-current protection through push-reset circuit breaker

Remote power monitoring and inhibit through a rear-panel connector

Selectable fan speed


Carefully inspect the shipping container and the power supply shuttle for
damage. Check for visible damage to the metal work. Check to make sure
all handles, hardware, and switches are undamaged. Visually inspect the
inside of the shuttle for any possible damage, debris, or detached
components. If damage appears to have been caused during shipment,
file a claim with the carrier. Retain the packing material for possible
inspection and/or reshipment.

What You Need to Get Started

NI PXI-1006 chassis (the unit being repaired)

NI PXI-1006 power supply shuttle

Read Me First: Safety and Radio-Frequency Interference