Moving your custom digital certificate – Nvidia FreeBSD Server to FreeBSD v2 Server User Manual

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Migrating from a FreeBSD Server to a FreeBSD v2 Server

Moving Your Custom Digital Certificate

The default digital certificate is already on your new VPSv2 server. This procedure applies
only to custom certificate.

1. Using FTP or another method, copy the certificate and Private Key files to the new

server. Both the certificate and the key are stored in the ~/etc/ directory of the FreeBSD
Server server. The certificate should be in a file named ssl.cert, and the key should be in
the file. If you use FTP, be sure to copy the files to the new server as ASCII files.
You will need to copy them to the /usr/local/apache/conf/ directory on the FreeBSD v2

2. It is a good idea to check your Private Key to make sure it has been decrypted. Use more

or your favorite text editor to view the file. If your key has been decrypted, you should
not see the following lines before the encoded elements of the key.

Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED

3. If your Private Key does have those lines near the beginning, run the following

command to remove the encryption.

% openssl rsa -in -out

4. Edit your httpd.conf file (located in the /usr/local/apache/conf/ directory) to look for

your certificate files. The following directives need to be added to the main section of
your httpd.conf file.

SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.cert
SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/

5. After you have added the certificate directives to your httpd.conf file, you need to run

restart_apache to make Apache start using the new certificate.

6. Ensure that the new certificate is working by connecting to the domain your certificate is

set up to use via HTTPS. For example, if your domain name were, you would type the following into your browser's location bar.

7. If the page loads without any errors, find the lock icon on your browser and click on it

(depending on your browser, you may need to double-click). This will bring up the
certificate information, or a window that lets you view certificate information. Check to
see that the certificate is using the correct domain name and has the correct information.

Moving Your Custom Digital Certificate