Causes of zero drift, Checking for zero drift – NARDA 8718B User Manual

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Operating the Meter

Causes of Zero Drift

All sensors have a change in output that is a function of

temperature. In a probe, it is both the thermal coefficient of the

detector and the gain of the probe amplifier that determine how

much a probe drifts over temperature. Thermal compensation

circuitry in the probe is used to minimize the impact of

temperature change. Thermocouple detectors have the lowest

thermal coefficient but their very low level output requires much

more amplifier gain than diode sensors, especially in electric

field probes. Therefore, Narda probes with the greatest amount

of thermal drift are the microwave- band electric field probes,

which all use thermocouple sensors. The lower frequency

electric field probes use diodes and require much less gain.

Narda magnetic field probes use thermocouples but the circuit

requires lower gain than the electric field probes.
The other possible cause of zero drift can occur when a probe is

subjected to a very high field level and then is moved to an area

with a very low field. The high field heats the sensor and can

cause drift. However, this type of drift normally corrects itself

within a few minutes.
Many competitive diode sensor probes exhibit drift for another

reason - reaction to infrared light on the diodes. Narda probes

do not have this problem. Narda uses special diodes with an

integral light shield, photographic paper inside the probe cover,

and a combination anti-static shield and blackout coating on the

inside of the probe cover.

Checking for Zero Drift

There are two indications that the probe may have drifted

enough to require correction.

Whenever the negative zero drift exceeds 0.1% of full

scale of the probe, the words “RE-AUTO-ZERO” will

flash on the top line of the display. This will replace the

bar graph.