NEC NECCare Standard/300 User Manual

Page 8

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NECCare Service

What NEC Corporation of America Will Pay for and what NEC Corporation of
America Will Not Pay for

NEC Corporatio n o f America will pay labor and material
expenses for co vered items, b ut NEC Corporatio n of America
will not pay for the follo wing:

1. Removal or installation charges.

2. Payment of shipping and related charges incurred in

returning the Prod uct for warranty rep air.

3. Costs of initial technical adjustments (set-up), including

adjustment o f user co ntro ls.

How You Can Get Warranty Service

Express5800/300 Series NECCare custo mers in the continental
U.S. and Canada have o ne pho ne number to use when calling
for technical support or hard ware rep air o n their
Express5800/FT server. Calls for initiating a repair req uest
should be mad e b y calling 1-866-269-1239. Be prepared to
provide the Serial Numb er to yo ur server to NEC for quick
respo nse.

NEC Corporatio n o f America may require that yo u provide the
original b ill of sale or receipt as proo f o f p urchase in order to
obtain warranty service. Please retain such proof o f p urchase
with yo ur records

For easy reference, write do wn yo ur Serial Nu mb er here and
keep this document in a safe and accessib le locatio n.


When arranging for a hard ware repair, yo u will sp eak with a
trained technician. The technician will d etermine whether yo u
have a hard ware or software failure and then will provide yo u
with the appropriate service optio ns. If appropriate, yo u will
be given instructio ns o n ho w to return yo ur CRU part in a
NECAM supplied bo x. You may be given a reference numb er
that yo u should retain for yo ur record s.

If NEC authorizes o n-site service for yo ur repair, a qualified
technician will arrive at your site the next b usiness day fro m
the ti me o f dispatch. If you are located o utside of a service
coverage area, travel charges will be applied.

All parts or systems returned to NECAM must be acco mp anied
with an RMA (Return Material Authorizatio n) number. To
obtain an RMA number for product return, please contact the
FT Custo mer Support line at: 1 -866 -269 -1239.