Troubleshooting, Warning, Problem cause solution – North Star MTBSL User Manual
Page 32

Before troubleshooting or attempting to service, read the following safety rules to
avoid accidental exposure to chemical and also risk of electric shock.
Note: A reserve, clean container capable of holding at least 16 gallons (Item# 28517) or 26 gallons
(Item # 28518) should be kept for use when the sprayer tank needs to be emptied temporarily for
repairs. It is advisable to purchase a reserve tank suitable for pesticide storage from Northern Tool
and Equipment for use in these circum stances. The container should be properly labeled as to its
contents if it is used.
Before attempting to service the sprayer:
1. Personal
prote ctive
e quipment
Wear pe rsonal prote ctive e quipment as dire cte d on the chemical label while
se rvicing your spraye r.
2. Re vie w
trouble shooting
Re vie w the Trouble shooting Table below for the type of problem you are
expe riencing. However, DO NOT attempt to repair until the steps listed below
are followed.
3. Empty and flush
If the cause liste d for your problem is Clogge d intake tube, Clogge d suction
strainer, or Worn spray gun nozzle : empty the tank and flush the sprayer with
water as directed in the section, “ Operation – Step Four”.
- In order to avoid accidental exposure to chem icals, never attempt to unclog
the intake tube or suction strainer, or service the spray gun nozzle, until the
tank has been em ptied and the sprayer flushed with water.
4. Disconne ct
powe r/relie ve
Disconne ct power to the spraye r and be sure all system pressure is relie ve d
by squeezing the gun trigge r.
5. Perform re pairs
Follow the dire ctions provide d in the troubleshooting table to re pair the
spraye r.
NOTE: Never try to unclog the sprayer nozzle by blowing through it.
6. Te st afte r
se rvicing
Afte r se rvicing, ALW AYS test the spraye r for leaks with plain water be fore
Bad electrical connection
Check battery connections
Short in wires
Check condition of wires
Pump will not turn on
Low voltage
Check voltage
Worn spray gun nozzle
Replace spray gun
Low pressure
Worn boom nozzle
Replace boom nozzle
Clogged intake tube
Remove obstruction
Clogged suction strainer
Clean suction strainer
Low flow
Low voltage
Check voltage
Clogged intake tube
Remove obstruction
Suction strainer clogged
Clean suction strainer
Poor spray distribution
Worn spray gun nozzle
Replace spray gun
Pump cycles while not spraying
Leak in the system
T ighten leaking hose clamps or
fittings, replace spray gun