Operation modes – Peavey LT Series User Manual

Page 18

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p. 16

mode selection

The three-position, recessed Mode Select switch (located on the rear panel)
configures the amplifier for Stereo, Parallel or Bridged mode. Amplifiers are
factory-configured for Stereo mode. Shut the amp off before changing


In Stereo mode, both channels operate independently, with their input atten-
uators controlling their respective levels.Signal at Channel A’s input produces
output at Channel A’s output,while signal at Channel B’s input produces out-
put at Channel B’s output.Recommended minimum nominal load impedance
for stereo operation is 2 Ohms per channel.


When set to Parallel mode, program material applied to Channel A’s input
will appear at both Channel A and B outputs.The attenuator for Channel A
controls the level for both A and B outputs.


Bridged mode straps both amplifier channels together to make a single-
channel monaural amplifier. One channel pushes and the other pulls equally,
increasing the power output over that of either channel alone
(see Specifications). Signal is applied to the Channel A input only. Channel
A’s attenuator is used to control signal level.

Use extreme caution when operating the amplifier in Bridged mode. Never
ground either side of the speaker cable when the amplifier is in Bridged
mode; both sides are “hot.”

If an output patch panel is used, all connections must be isolated from each
other and from the panel.The recommended minimum nominal load imped-
ance in the Bridged mode is 4 ohms, which is the equivalent to driving both
channels separately at 2 ohms.



for examples of mode-specific wirings

Connecting amplifier
outputs to oscilloscopes
or other test equipment
while the amplifier is
in bridged mode may
damage both the amplifier
and test equipment!


LT / ST owner’s manual

operation modes


This manual is related to the following products: