Cleaning between the outer and inner door glass – Parkinson Cowan SONATA 50GX User Manual

Page 26

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Cleaning between the outer and inner door


You can remove the glass from the main oven door if you need to.

To remove the outer glass

1 Open the oven door so you can get at the two cross head screws on

the top of the door.

2 Loosen these screws using a pozidrive screwdriver.
3 You should hold the door glass securely in place with one hand,

whilst removing the screws completely, with the other hand. If you
do not do this, the door glass could fall forward.

4 Using both hands, gently tilt the top of the door glass towards you.

Lift it slightly to disengage the locators at the bottom of the door.

5 Clean the outer and inner glass using hot soapy water and mild

abrasives such as 'Jif'. DO NOT try to clean the aluminium foil which
is inside the door. The foil is there to keep the door cool, if it is
damaged it will not work.

6 Replace the glass by holding it in both hands and gently placing the

locators into the holes of the brackets at the bottom of the door and
make sure the screw location holes line up.

7 Hold the glass in place with one hand and replace the cross head

screws into the location holes, with the other hand.

8 Tighten the screws using a pozidrive screwdriver. Close the door.

S O N A T A 5 0 G X


Care and cleaning