Weight loss program, Fat burner program, Weight loss program fat burner program – Precor PECOR ELLITICAL FITNESS CROSSTRAINER EFX User Manual
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Owner’s Manual: Programs
Weight Loss Program
The Weight Loss Program (P2)
is targeted at lowering body fat
while improving muscle tone
and conditioning. Use this
program if you are beginning or returning to a regular
fitness routine. The exercise session time is fixed at 28
minutes and consists of seven 4-minute intervals. You are
not prompted for a session time. The program raises and
lowers your level of exertion repeatedly over the course of
the exercise session.
Initially, the rest interval is set to a CrossRamp of 3 and a
resistance of 1. The work interval is set at a CrossRamp of
6 and a resistance of 8. The lower display indicates when
the preset resistance level is about to change and displays
the level of the next interval.
For ideal weight loss, your heart rate should be between
55% and 70% of your maximum aerobic heart rate. Set a
comfortable pace and adjust the CrossRamp and
resistance settings using the CROSSRAMP or
RESISTANCE arrow keys to meet the target zone. Refer to
Heart Rate Features.
Fat Burner Program
The Fat Burner Program (P3) is
targeted at lowering body fat
while improving muscle tone
and conditioning.
The program consists of alternating forward and backward
pedaling movements. Display prompts appear indicating
when to reverse pedal direction at select intervals: 25%,
50%, and 75% of program completion.
For ideal weight loss, your heart rate should be between
55% and 70% of your maximum aerobic heart rate. Set a
comfortable pace and adjust the CrossRamp and
resistance settings using the CROSSRAMP or
RESISTANCE arrow keys to meet the target zone. Refer to
Heart Rate Features. Adjustments to the resistance affect
the remainder of the program. CrossRamp adjustments are
reflected in the program profile.