Precor Manual 903 User Manual
Page 8

page 8
Diagram 4
Placing treadmill onto front lift bar.
Running belt
Front lift bar
Micro-adjustment knob
Position the Treadmill on Its Side. (Diagram 4) Place your hands on
either side of the handrail and gently tip the treadmill onto its side opposite
the micro-adjustment knob. See Diagram 4. Be sure the treadmill is
balanced and secure on its side and the micro-adjustment knob is
resting on the floor, before you let go of the handrail.
Diagram 5
Moving the elevation settings
and height adjustment pins.
Adjust the Elevation Tube. (Diagram 5) The elevation tube has six settings
(refer to Table 1). To move the height adjustment pin to another setting,
take the following steps.
Important: Due to the weight of the treadmill, always adjust the elevation
tube while the treadmill is resting on its side. Making adjustments in this
manner also alleviates the possibility of injury.
Remove the height adjustment pin by pushing up on the locking
portion that wraps around the tube. Use your fingers to pull the pin
out of the elevation tube hole. Repeat this step on the opposite side.
See Diagram 5. Set the height adjustment pins aside.
Slide the elevation tube so that the elevation tube and front lift bar
holes align at the proper setting.
Make sure that the settings are the
same for both sides of the elevation tube.
Re-insert the height adjustment pins and push down on the portion
that wraps around the tube to secure the pin into position.
Return the treadmill to an upright position, so that the base is flat on
the floor.
CAUTION: Be sure that the
T-knobs are secure and locked
into position on both sides of
the handrail before performing
this step.
CAUTION: To avoid injury, do
not place your fingers
between the locking portion of
the height adjustment pin and
the elevation tube.
Locking portion of pin
Elevation tube
Height adjustment pin