Parrot CK3100 User Manual
Page 13

CK3100 Advanced Car Kit
User’s guide
If you have a navigation application on your
PDA or smartphone, all you need do
is pair this peripheral device with the
CK3X00, and open a series connection to
the GPS port. Certain navigation applica-
tions let you directly select as Bluetooth GPS source.
On your device the GPS configuration to be selected is NMEA
0183v2 9600, in the event it is necessary to supply this informa-
Once connected, a GPS icon is visible on the screen of the
Once the GPS service is connected the
CK3X00 equipped with GPS module allows
you to listen to the sound indications of
your navigation software over the loud
speakers of your vehicle. Your navigation
will thus be carried out under optimal conditions (this function-
ality is available only with certain navigation software).
To do this, from your PDA or smartphone open the service
Ear phone/Headset, which is available on the car-kit.
If you want to make a call or answer an incoming call, this
service is automatically closed then reopened to allow you to
use telephony functionality under the best conditions.
In this heading you can fully disable the GPS service to pre-
vent anyone from connecting to this service.
The Information section specifies the GPS configuration and
the peripheral device currently connected to this service if it is
Object push
Some telephones can require a particular setting of your
hands-free kit before sending contacts. ( If your telephone
does not display your kit in the list of devices to which
contacts can be sent, activate the “Always active” option.)
Warning: this configuration of your kit can cause poor func-
tioning with certain telephones. We recommend that you return
to “Automatic” mode as soon as you have
sent your contacts.
Activate this option when you install an upgrade by Bluetooth
of your kit, from a personal computer. This option will be auto-
matically disactivated when restarting your kit.
Go to our website for more information :
Launch a demo of the hands-free kit.
Restarting the carkit is necessary to deactivate this mode.
Software upgrade
Demo mode
The CK3300 and CK3500 kits load a
GPS (Global Positioning System)
module giving access to the current
position of the vehicle.
This information is available via
Bluetooth on a channel accessible
by the majority of PDAs and
GPS CK3300 - CK3500
Connection to the GPS service
Voice indications of your navigation
GPS Menu