Pioneer D V D R E C O R D E R S A N D P L A Y E R S User Manual

Page 5

background image

GUI with thumbnails

Recording Mode used (on HDD)

High-Speed Copy HDD to DVD





Max. Rec. time

2x Media*

4x Media* 8x Media*

(“real time”)

on DVD disc

1 hour


1 hour

30 min.

15 min.

8 min.

1 hour


2 hours

15 min.

7.5 min.

4 min.

1 hour


4 hours

7.5 min.

4 min.

2 min.

1 hour


6 hours

5 min.

2.5 min.

1.25 min.

1. The number of titles which can be recorded on the Hard Disk Drive is limited to 250,

even if there’s still more recording time available.

2. The actual speed depends on the recording mode and media used. 48x high-speed

copy can be reached when content is recorded in EP mode and copied to 8x DVD-R

* Approximate recording times. Additional time will be required, e.g. to create

management information.
























Don’t be fooled by the sleek, low-profile

design. These are powerful, next-generation

DVD Recorders that make editing, recording,

and playing DVDs easy. And fast. And fun.

Here’s how.

Advanced Disc Navigator

The user-friendly menu system makes all the

key functions really easy to operate. For

example, you can set up a Play List or move

a chapter with this menu. Want to find and

play a certain segment of your “My Kids”

DVD? Just select a thumbnail of that chapter

and it will begin to play.

Full-Motion Thumbnails with Sound

Yes, this menu’s thumbnail images are

actually shown in full motion, with sound!

These mini-movies make it much easier to

find what you’re looking for, and they make

your DVD recordings look really professional.

Think of a DVD with full-motion chapter

thumbnails from your daughter’s childhood or

your best friend’s wedding, and you can

envision what a powerful menu this would


Edit. Burn. Show Off. Repeat.

So, you have countless hours of home video

of your kids or a recent European vacation.

You want to organize your footage and record

it to DVD, so you can show it to family and

friends. And let’s say you don’t have the time

or the patience to do it on your home


A Pioneer DVD Recorder is the perfect way to

create your own home movie classics on

DVD. Basic editing in Video mode lets you

name, erase, lock, and unlock titles before

finalizing the disc. Want to re-name the title

showing baby’s first steps? Easy.

In VR mode (using a DVD-RW disc) you can

do even more, such as erase part of a title or

make detailed changes to chapters in a title.

You can also set up a Play List — for

example, a title for each European city you

toured — which adds further editing

capabilities, such as moving the position of a

chapter, combining it with another, or dividing

it in two.

In Video mode you can finalize the disc and

then select a suitable wallpaper to appear

behind the disc’s menu during playback —

so when you show your DVD to friends and

family, it has a clean, professional look. And

you did it all without a computer!

Built-in Hard Disc Drive (DVR-520H-S)

The DVR-520H-S offers the additional ability of

editing content on its built-in 80GB Hard Disc

Drive before transferring it to DVD, making it

even easier to create a home video

masterpiece. This Hard Disc Drive holds up to

102 hours of your favorite shows and home

movies, giving you lots of options: you can

store programs for as long as you like, and

watch them when you want. You can delete

them after viewing to free up disc space. Or

burn them to DVD and play them for rear-seat

passengers on the next long drive. Your choice.

The DV Cam-to-DVD Connection

If your home movies were shot with a DV

camcorder — and you want to burn certain

parts to DVD but not others — here’s another

great feature that will save lots of time.

Just connect your camcorder’s DV input to

the bi-directional DV input on the DVR’s front

panel. Now, you can use the DVR’s remote to

control your camcorder’s functions (Forward,

Reverse, etc.) and easily find the scenes you

want to preserve to DVD. The DVR-520H-S

and DVR-320-S can control most brands of

DV camcorders, unlike many other DVD

recorders, which either don’t offer DV

connectivity at all or don’t allow camcorder

control via the DVD recorder.

And if your movies were shot in analog format

rather than digital? You’re covered. Inputs for

composite/S-video and left and right audio

are provided for dubbing to DVD.

Advanced Disc Navigator

High-Speed, High-Quality Burning