Piega Thermo Check for Windows 1.6 User Manual

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Setting Up a User List

Setting the ThermoCheck up to include user information is optional. The advantage of setting up a
user list in the unit is that reading information stored in the ThermoCheck will also include the name
of the user who performed each reading. When a user list is defined in the unit, a user must be
logged on before any readings can be taken. Only one user may be logged on at any one time.

Enabling a user list also allows you to protect the database from unauthorised tampering and also
restrict viewing of the stored readings to those that can authenticate, with a password, that they are
authorised to do so. Note that all users defined in the unit are authorised to take readings for all
products defined in the unit.

For example, if your application is security-conscious, you may wish to set up a single user in the
unit, so that only one person is able to configure and use the ThermoCheck. Alternatively, you may
want to set up multiple users. For example, you could set up a single operator to be responsible for
taking readings for each product, and allow another person to be responsible for downloading the
reading data and setting up the database.

You can add and remove users from the Users panel in a database window. You can view this panel
by clicking the Users button in a database window.

The user list can be uploaded to the unit, along with the product/location database and configuration
settings, via the Set Database command. See Uploading a Database in Chapter 3, Setting Up a
Database, for more information.