PSB Speakers CW260 User Manual
Be he ard, no t see n

Be He ard, No t See n
P S B C u s t o m S o u n d I n - W a l l S p e a k e r S y s t e m
The CW260 is a high performance in-wall surround speaker and is the
fi rst design of its type. It is optimized to the task of being a surround
via having 2 (switchable) radiation patterns. These dual patterns
both give it a more diffuse soundfi eld than conventional systems, as
required for best surround sound. The CW260 has two wide range 2”
units cross fi ring at 90 degrees to each other (one 45 degrees left the
other 45 degrees right). The drive units are mounted on a contoured
mounting plate. These contours are essential in obtaining a smooth
response from the high frequency drive units and to allow their energy
to appropriately fi re away from the listening position.
A surround speaker creates a diffuse sound fi eld by bouncing much
of the sound energy off of the room’s surfaces while reducing the
energy that arrives at the listener’s ears directly. With the CW260 we
achieve that in two modes: Bipole and Dipole. Dipole operation puts
the two wide range units out of phase so that their energy cancels
on a plane bisecting the two units. If a listener is on or near that
plane he hears very little direct energy and the most diffuse sound
possible. Bipole operation is similar but the units are now connected
in phase. With a Bipole system diffuse sound is achieved by virtue
of the driver’s directivity and that the drivers are aimed away from the
listener. Adding the bipole mode gives a less extreme option and also
makes listener placement less critical. A design challenge, overcome
with the CW260 was to achieve a balanced power response with both
modes, as switching between the modes will strongly impact the total
radiated power in some frequency ranges. The crossover circuitry
contains response correction that is switched concurrently with the
bipole/dipole switching.
A 6 1⁄2” woofer augments the range of the dual 2” units. “Dog leg”
style mounting clips ensure quick and easy mounting.
The CW260 includes 2 switches. One is for the above mentioned
bipole/dipole mode. The second is for overall treble level, handy for
optimizing the system to differing room acoustics.
In-wall loudspeakers must deal with limited space within the confi nes
behind the wall. Wall cavities are not built to any standard volume
so open back in-wall speakers must work within a wide range of wall
cavity volumes. PSB accomplishes this by giving the woofers higher
mass and stiffness than with conventional “in room” enclosures.
Extensive simulations and testing have shown that our designs deliver
high-performance sound quality with a broad range of wall cavity
volumes. The CW260 can be used with the CWS8 subwoofer/CWA-1
subamplifi er combination.
The CW260 can be used as rear channel surrounds for all PSB
surround systems.
CW260 - 6.5” Surround Speaker System
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