Pfaff 2 User Manual
Page 2

creative 2.0
exTra presser fooT lifT.
Raises the presser foot to its highest position so that thick fabrics can be
placed easily under the presser foot.
Two free-moTion moDes.
Choose between Sensormatic or Spring foot free-motion mode for best
results with various techniques and fabrics.
sTiTch wiDTh safeTy.
Limits stitch width to center needle straight stitch while using straight stitch
needle plate and/or straight stitch foot to prevent needle breakage.
sTiTch posiTioning.
Moves complete stitch right or left to align decorative stitches.
auTomaTic Tie-off.
Ties off automatically at the beginning and/or the end of a seam for a quick and
easy finish.
sTiTch sequencing anD memories.
Combine and save up to 40 stitches and/or letters in one of
10 sequence memories - sew in one step repeatedly.
personal sTiTch seTTings.
Change the settings on built-in stitches to your personal liking. Save in
one of the 10 personal stitch memories.
program sequencing commanDs.
Program Stop, Thread Snips or Tie-off into a stitch sequence.
Your sequence does exactly what you want every time.
2 builT-in sewing alphabeTs.
Upper case, lower case plus numbers and symbols to personalize
any sewing project.
neeDle up/Down.
Touch a button to set your needle to automatically stop up or down in the fabric
for pivoting, appliqué and more. Or just tap the foot control to shift between needle up/down
Tapering on all 9mm DecoraTive sTiTches!
Gradually increase or decrease the width at the
beginning and/or at the end. Choose different angles for more creative opportunities.
Twin neeDle program.
Automatically adjusts the stitch width to prevent needle breakage.
permanenT reverse.
Your hands are free to guide your fabric.
sensormaTic buTTonhole.
Makes beautiful repeatable buttonholes on any fabric.
37 neeDle posiTions.
Variable needle positions for precise stitching. Perfect for topstitching,
quilting, zippers and more.
bobbin winDing from The neeDle.
No need to rethread to wind bobbins when you wind directly
from the needle. Winding stops automatically when your bobbin is full.
large sTiTch plaTe.
Markings to the left and right of the needle help you guide your fabric.
buTTon ruler.
Quickly determine your buttonhole size with the help of the button ruler.