English – Polaroid Macro 3 SLR User Manual
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The Polaroid Macro 3 SLR is a simple to operate,
fully automatic, portable camera designed for
dental and medical documentation of patient con-
ditions, and other applications requiring high
quality close-up photographs. The camera uses
Polaroid self-developing instant color films, so
you know immediately that you have the picture
you need.
The camera produces reproductions at:
1X(100%), 2X (200%) and 3X (300%). The
lenses for each reproduction size are self-con-
tained, so there is no need to attach accessories
when changing magnification.
The camera has two built-in electronic flash units
providing even illumination, and a microproces-
sor-controlled exposure system that automatically
sets the camera for the correct exposure at all
The Macro 3 is compatible with:
• 5X Close-Up Contact and Non-Contact
• Intraoral Dental Kit
Other features include:
• Dual red LED rangefinder helping you
place the camera at the proper distance
from the subject for correct focus.
• Tripod read
The numbers throughout the text refer
to the illustrations at the end of the