Phil & Teds E3 User Manual
E3 buggy instructions, Warranty and service, Caring for your explorer

Warranty and Service
Our Warranty and service policy
We w
ant to give owners confidence in the quali
ty of al
l Phil & Teds pr
oducts. They are f
ully w
against defects in materials and workmanship f
or the warr
anty period. If the pr
oduct fails due to a
manufacturing f
ault we wil
l repair i
t free of char
ge. If it is not pr
actical for us to r
epair it we wil
l replace
it. If the pr
oducts fail due to wear and tear
, accident or negligence, or i
f it is outside the w
y period
we will happily r
epair it f
or a reasonable char
Details of warranty
Who is cov
Original purchaser buying new pr
oduct from authorised dealer
. Proof of pur
chase is requir
What is cov
Workmanship or materials that ar
e faul
ty of time:
1 year f
rom date of pur
ty of use:
Must be used at all times in normal condi
tions, properly maintained and wi
th the instructions
being fol
Customer costs:
The customer is responsible deliv
ery and its costs to the manuf
acturer or i
ts repr
esentative f
anty or service; in addi
tion, a service charge ma
y apply (agreed at time wi
th consumer).
Any consequential loss or damage dir
ectly or indirectly as a r
esult of using the pr
Contact retailer or the manuf
acturer (or agent).
Policy ex
econd hand sales
Modified pr
Poorly maintained pr
Normal wear and tear , t
yres (inc. punctur
es), fabric colour f
astness, hand grip, f
abric cuts.
oper use (by w
ay of example only: abnormal use, not f
ollowing instructions, abuse, child
left unattended, locking devices not engaged pr
operly, saf
ety harness not used, ex
cessive load,
accessories incorr
ectly fitted or adjusted, br
akes not applied.
Service outside
Where pr
oof of purchase not pr
ovided or bey
ond time validi
ty - a r
easonable service
charge and parts and labour ma
y be payable.
er (or agent) will r
epair or replace at i
ts option. Manufactur
er (or agent) reserv
es the
right to charge f
or ‘policy exclusions’ and f
reight back to the consumer
Completed service form.
Place of service
Contact Phil & Teds f
or the details of your near
est place of service - 102 Daniell Str
eet, Newtown,
lington, 06002, New Zealand. T
el + 64 4 3800 833 or email [email protected]. Please note
that the customer is responsible for arranging delivery and any inward freight charge to the
manufacturer or its agent for warranty claims.
E3 Buggy Instructions
Dear E3 Buggy Owner
Thank you for purchasing the fabulous E3 Buggy . We trust you’ll get a
great deal of enjoyment and use from it. We really value customer
feedback so, if you have any comments, please contact us. Don’t forget
to complete your warranty form and mail it.
The Most Excellent Team
These instructions are important...
Read these instructions carefully before use and keep them for future
reference. Your child’s safety is your responsibility and may be affected
if you do not follow these instructions. Safe operation depends on careful
adherence to the instructions outlined in this manual. Please study them
and contact us if you are unsure. Read carefully the WARNINGS detailed
inside and on the buggy. They are for your safety and information.
Warranty registration
Return your warranty response form for validation. If your product has
a problem or you are concerned about any aspect of its performance
then please contact your Most Excellent Dealer or Phil & Teds Most
Excellent Buggy Co. Ltd. We keep your warranty record on file, which
allows us to contact you if needed.
BS 7409:1996; AS/NZS 2088:2000; ASTM F833-01.
Issue V (E3V2) 22 February 2004
Caring for your Explorer
Fabric care and cleaning
The fabric is backed with a water-resistant coating. Brush off dirt. More intense
cleaning can be done by hand, in warm water, using a mild natural soap. Rinse out
soap. Do not use detergents or bleach. Air dry. The fabric is fade resistant but not
fade proof; exposure to direct sunlight can fade the fabric.
Frame care and cleaning
We recommend that dirt is brushed off the frame and wheels regularly. Clean with
a non-abrasive household cleaner and soft cloth. Wash off sand and salt after beach
activity. Always dry frame if wet.
Tyres & inner tube
The valve is car-size. We recommend 20 - 22 psi. Releasing air gives a softer ride,
but lower pressure reduces tread life. New inner tubes and tyres are generally
available (2.5 x 12.5 inch tyre) from your dealer, cycle or specialist wheel shops.
Standard tyre kits can repair punctures. A flat tyre can result from grit holding the
valve open; to check, inflate tyre, deflate rapidly, and re-inflate. Tyres and tubes are
not under warranty.
Rubber covers & grip
Take care to avoid damage to the foam rubber. To replace: undo snaps; depress the
nib springs and remove frame part. Replace, using soapy water for lubrication. Replace
frame part; ensure nib springs engage. The foam rubber is not under warranty.
Routine inspection and maintenance
Moving parts may need periodic lubrication. Inspect essential components for fraying
(esp. webbing straps and safety harness), wear (esp. auto-locks, snap fasteners,
button springs, tyres, plastic parts, zips and moving parts), security (esp. autolocks
and caps which must not be loose) and freedom of movement (esp. wheels, nuts).
Excessive wear can reduce effectiveness and safety.
Safety and Product Care
Warranty Card Please fil
l out and mail us your w
y card. This giv
es us helpful
information and acts as a pr
oof of purchase.
Product Instructions Mak
e sure y
ou hav
e the relev
ant product instructions. Saf
operation and use depends on car
ly fol
lowing these instructions
Safety Notices Ensur
e you r
ead caref
ully al
l the safet
y information and w
notices. This is extremely important.
Explorer Buggy Warnings and Safety Notices
Injury ma
y resul
t if y
ou do not fol
low all saf
ety pr
ecautions. Injury ma
y resul
t from
improper use.
er leave childr
en unattended. T
ake extr
a care wi
th any child asleep
in the buggy.
e that all locking devices ar
e engaged befor
e use.
y load atta
ched to the handle affects the stabili
ty of the v
ehicle. Do
not hang luggage or carry extra childr
en on the buggy. Do not al
low a child to stand
on the seat. Do not carry extra weight o
ver that al
lowed by the instructions. Do not
place more than 3kg/7lbs in the par
cel tra
y. This ma
y damage the vehicle.
void serious injury f
rom f
alling or sliding out. Alw
ays use saf
harness. Always secur
e all saf
ety harness str
aps. Ensure the saf
ety harness is corr
fitted, adjusted and securing child firmly
. Make sur
e children ar
e clear befor
e folding,
erecting or adjusting the buggy
WARNING: Apply br
akes when y
ou park the buggy. Apply br
akes when loading
or unloading children.
WARNING: The single buggy is intended f
or children up to 4 y
ears or maximum
weight of 23kg/50lbs (4 years and 35kg/70lbs f
or doubles buggy).
WARNING: Do not push a child in the r
ear seat of a buggy without a hea
vier child
being in the front seat. Do not modi
fy the buggy or use ac
cessories not designed
for i
t. They may be unsaf
e should be taken i
f strol
ler is used on stairs or escalators.
WARNING: The str
oller should not be used near and open fir
e or exposed flame.
If requir
ed, use the D-rings on the waist str
ap to attach and saf
ety harness conf
to BS 6684
Form of Warranty
The warr
anty pr
otects the original purchaser against f
aulty workmanship and f
aulty i
tems. This does not cover
normal wear and tear , the t
yres, the handgrip or punctur
es. This warr
anty is f
or 1 year f
rom date of pur
The product must be used at al
l times in normal conditions, satisf
actorily maintained and with the manuf
instructions being fol
lowed, otherwise this warr
anty is in
valid. The customer is r
esponsible for
its costs
to the manufactur
er for w
y claims. This warr
anty is only f
or the benefit of the original pur
of the product f
rom an authorised distributor
. Proof of pur
chase is requir
ed. Any consequential loss or damage
directly or indir
ectly resul
ting from the use of this pr
oduct is expressly ex
cluded from this w
y. The
consumer may ha
ve addi
tional rights in some countries or states.
The Cocoon
- Cradle y
our sleeping
newborn baby and li
ft out undisturbed from the
buggy. Use the saf
ety buckles to secur
Face baby toward or away from you. Un-
on arrival f
or sleep and play.
The Race Seat -
Breathable, padded contour
ed support
for y
our little girl or bo
y racer
. Start your engines!
Buggy Bunny - Comf
y buggy liner with w
fleece one side and cool cotton the other
Dacron inner wi
th remo
vable head support.
Parcel tray packing cell - This is so handy
ve par
cel tra
y contents without hassle - gr
eat for
quick getaw
ays & when f
olding buggy.
The fitted
Lambskin - Pur
e and natural w
armth, comfort and pr
otection that only the finest lambskin can
. Factory sani
tised. Shaped and slotted f
or the buggy harness and coloured in st
ylish two tone.
Sleeping Bags - Made to fi
t our
buggies and great f
or sleep overs
for up to 3 y
ear olds. slotted to fi
E3 buggy harness, most other
brands and car seats too
Lambskin Liner
Sleeping bag
Buggy Bunny
Travel System
y can go easily
from car to buggy
while sleeping. Fits
most major car
capsule brands.
E3 Travel bag - now wi
th wheels and a carry loop.
e your buggy near or f
ar in an easy
compact package