Polk Audio EX3 Series User Manual

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EX3 Series Tweeter Installation

Step 1—Choosing the proper tweeter location

When properly installed, component systems can improve the soundstage created by music in your car.
The soundstage will be dramatically affected by where you mount your tweeters. How do you determine
the best place for tweeter installation? Grab a friend and play along as we recommend a simple
“Tweeter Placement” experiment! Just follow these easy steps:

1.) Complete the installation of your entire system except for the EX3500 Tweeters.
2.) Connect the wires provided with your tweeters to the tweeter terminals on your EX3 Crossovers

[figure 3].

3.) Without actually running the wires through doors or under upholstered panels, connect up your

EX3500 Tweeters.

4.) Mount the tweeters in a temporary location (where you think you’d like to install them) with tape.
5.) Have your friend sit in the passenger-side seat while you sit in the driver’s seat.
6.) Now, with familiar music playing (we recommend music with vocals for this test), both you and

your friend should position the tweeters in different locations around the passenger compartment,
listening for resulting sound differences. Listen to the tweeter with the Elliptical Lens on it, and ALSO
listen to it with just the Grille on it. If you’re planning a surface installation, try this with both the
Straight Surface Mount Cup and the Angled Surface Mount Cup. Rotate the Angled Surface Mount
Cup in conjunction with the Elliptical Lens to help get the most desirable radiation pattern. Listen
for imaging, soundstage and clarity. In a short time, you should be able to determine the best
location for your tweeters.

7.) Mark the location, and move on to Step 2 and choose your mounting option.

The EX3500 Tweeter offers two optional “high frequency directors” to give you even more control over
your sound and to help you get better sound in difficult placements: an Elliptical Lens and an Angled
Surface Mount Cup. (You also get a Straight Surface Mount Cup and a Mesh Tweeter Grille. What
a deal.) Use the Elliptical Lens to focus the high frequencies in your system for better imaging and

[figure 5].

When you’re doing the Tweeter Location Test (above), tape the Elliptical

Lens in place on either the Straight or Angled Surface Mount Cup to help find the direction best suited
to your system. When you find the perfect spot, simply snap the Elliptical Lens onto the tweeter. The
Elliptical Lens DOES NOT ROTATE. Use the Angled Surface Mount Cup to help you get the most
desirable radiation pattern.

6.) In the meantime, attach speaker wires to the crossover mid-woofer terminals

[figure 3].

The wires

provided with your EX system have one red conductor. Use this wire as the positive (+) lead and
connect it to the positive (+) terminal screw on your crossover. Connect the black wire to the
negative (–) terminal screw. There’s that pattern again.

7.) Now run wires from your amplifier or radio to the crossover. Attach these wires to the crossover input


[figure 3].

Route these wires away from low-level electrical cables in your car, and use

grommets when passing through doors. Remember the pattern: attach the red wire to the positive
(+) terminal screw on your crossover, and the black wire to the negative (–) terminal screw.

8.) Pass the wires from the crossover through your cut hole

[figure 4].

9.) Connect the wires to your new Polk Audio mid-woofers. Attach the red wire to the positive (+)

terminal, and connect the black wire to the negative (–) terminal.

10.) Place the grille frame onto the speaker being careful to line up the screw holes. Carefully orient

the new speaker over the screw holes and mounting clips. Tighten the screws firmly to secure the
speaker and grille frame to the mounting surface.

11.) Place the mesh grille in the grille frame.
12.) Repeat Steps 1-11 for the other speaker(s).

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Contact Polk Customer Service: 800-377-7655 [email protected]

FIG. 4

FIG. 5